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یک روزہ کشمیر گردی – اختتام

From the Blog mbilalm[image: کشمیر کا ایک خوبصورت منظر] پہاڑی علاقے کے خوبصورت گھر اور سرسبز کھیت ہمارے سامنے تھے۔ وہ سماہنی سیکٹر کا سرحدی علاقہ تھا اور سامنے والی وادی مقبوضہ کشمیر کی تھی۔ ناران کی سرد رات ہو، لالہ زار میں پڑتی برف ہو یا پھر دیو سائی کا بلند میدان ہو، جہاں سبزی آسانی سے نہیں گلتی، وہاں پر بھی جو بکرے کا گوشت طلب کرتے ہیں، آج انہیں "تاتاریوں" کو چوکی شہر پہنچ کر دال زہر مار کرنی پڑی۔ اس کے بعد ڈنہ بڑوھ میں چشمے کنارے آرام کر کے جب پہاڑ شاہ پہنچے تو وہاں نخرے کرتی صنفِ نازک← مزید پڑھیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Yahoo acquires Flurry. Gets serious with Analytics?

From the Blog basitali Yahoo announced today that it has acquired the mobile analytics company Flurry. Yeah, they sound serious in mobile analytics domain here. Is that too little too late? Read the press release here for further details. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Protected: test private

From the Blog united4justice This post is password protected. You must visit the website and enter the password to continue reading. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

~Review: Dresslily Online Store Ear studs haul~

From the Blog areejusmanOnline shopping is sometimes a source of happiness and great fun.I was very much excited when I got an invitation to choose anything I wanted for $20 from I love to surf the sites and look upon the items and then choose what I want.I had seen a couple of reviews on dresslily before so I jumped at this oppurtunity and hauled what I am crazy about these days...Yes Ear studs!They are my new love since my toddler doesn't like me wearing long earrings so I have limited myself to studs! Ok so a little about *Dresslily*: *DressLily* is a leading international online fashion clothing and accessory store. Focusing on the very latest in affordable fashion styles, both attire and stunning accessories, we feature thousands of the newest product lines, providing maximum choice apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7541330179731822284 Pakistani Blog Posts


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