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Pakistan’s U-Turn on Foreign Policy

From the Blog tanzeel Not sure whether the acceptance of $ 15 bn bailout commonly known as a “Gift from a brother country” to Shareef Government would help Rupee stabilize or is it a mirage leading the already troubled nation into another misadventure in Syria where ‘Made in Pakistan’ arms, ammunition and mercenaries are planned to be exported through Riyadh to sabotage Bashaar Al Assad regime. History tells us that rightist forces in Pakistan time to time supported Saudi Monarchs by exporting militias and weapons to countries of their interests. By becoming player in proxy wars Pakistan today has no good relations with its neighbors, be it Afghanistan, Iran, India or even China and now the latest attempt of democratic nation to protect monarchy in Bahrain and strengthen terrorist groups in Syria pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Mobilink to Get Largest 3G Ready Network by July 2014

From the Blog propakistani Mobilink has announced that it will complete the roll out of country’s largest 3G ready network with more than 9,000 cell sites across Pakistan by July 2014. Announcement came right after Telenor Pakistan’s statement of its 3G readiness with its all 7,500 plus cell sites across the country. Mobilink initiated its network modernization project in May 2013 and more than 70% of the network has [...] The post Mobilink to Get Largest 3G Ready Network by July 2014 appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3835041347163945410 Pakistani Blog Posts


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