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Muslims need to re-evaluate their interpretations and Ulema

From the Blog pakteahouse By Amaar Ahmad: Chaos and violence in the name of Islam across the Muslim world should make us pause and evaluate the root cause of the problems. Is is not true that some Muslims (i) believe in violent Jihad against non-Muslims, (ii) believe in applying Takfir against fellow Muslims who disagree in interpretation of religion, and (iii) believe that punishment for apostasy or blasphemy is death? We must admit that these very beliefs are the root cause of so many conflicts. We must not deny that these so-called “Islamic” beliefs are used to fuel violence and terrorism today. We must accept that numerous religious scholars throughout history have believed in such violent concepts. Many apologists say that “Jihad” can only be conducted by state and not individuals. That blasphempakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Daughters of Lahore

From the Blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman * On a cloudy weekday this month, sisters, Afshan Ejaz and Noshi Ejaz are putting together a modern-looking clay pot at Shehrezade Alam’s workshop in Lahore. Alam, Pakistan’s acclaimed female potter is not in at the moment, but Afshan (the older of the two) chirpily tells me that she’ll be joining us shortly. The sisters, both trained artists, work together, methodically, precisely, gently. One kneads the clay; the other carves a design on a wet slab. They work as a team, respectfully, carefully. They’re in the zone right now and it’s a pleasure watching them work amidst drying clay pots, gorgeous glazed pots (lined up on shelves), paintbrushes, tools and canisters, pigments, paints, etc. [image: Noshi Ejaz. Photo: Sonya Rehman] Noshi Ejaz. Photo: Sonya Rehmapakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9024708841900854960 Pakistani Blog Posts


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