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~[Review & Swatches]:Revlon Photoready Foundation in Medium Beige 006~

From the Blog areejusmanSummers are almost around the corner.As we update our wardrobe so must we update our cosmetics.The main problem that we face during summers is the heat and the fear of runny make up due to sweating.I have oily skin and therefore as summers approach I want to use less foundation due to the fear of it melting away in the sun!But recently(last summers) this thought of mine changed as I was using Revlon's Photoready foundation. Though I equally love my MAC Studio Fix but on a usual day out like shopping or a family dinner I wear Revlon's Photoready.Saving MAC Studio Fix for parties/weddings or special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. *~WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THIS PRODUCT~* Looking for that dewy glow? This lightweight, non-greasy foundation by Revlon goes on smooth to hpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8702302269340021813 Pakistani Blog Posts


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