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What is kibr?

From the Blog ashrafiya [image: 20140320-193428.jpg] Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) wrote, ‘*Arrogance* (*kibr*) is to *deliberately* consider one’s self superior to others in religious or worldly achievements in a manner that reflects that others are inferior. Hence, it has two components, (1) to consider one’s self superior and (2) to look down upon others. This is its reality. It is impermissible (*haram*) and sinful. Then there is form of it where all components are presents except one component. That is it is not deliberate. It is an involuntary thought. Till this point it is not sinful. However, if one deliberately considers this thought to be fine or even without agreeing to it deliberately keeps (it in his mind), it will become the reality of arrogance and pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Senna Lasting Illusion Foundation – Review & swatches

From the Blog sarahassansblog I hardly remember being disappointed with any Senna product and this product is no exception either. *Lasting Illusion Foundation* This luxurious, long lasting fluid foundation gives skin perfecting and 16 hour flawless coverage with a whisper smooth feel. The modern satin matte finish captures and reflects light from fine lines and wrinkles for an exceptionally youthful appearance. It erases imperfections, won’t settle into lines, and looks seamless on the skin. Works beautifully for all ages and skin types. Senna Lasting Illusion Foundation Senna Lasting Illusion Foundation - Swatches Senna Lasting Illusion Foundation - Sand (swatch) Senna Lasting Illusion Foundation - Before & After Application *My thoughts* To begin with, I absolutely adore the glass bottle packaging; it appepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 260879718681214690 Pakistani Blog Posts


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