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02:13 subnet of Fastly’s CDN null-routed in Pakistan?

From the Blog ayazI rely heavily on GitHub and Foursquare every day, the former for work and pleasure, and the latter for keeping a track of where I go through the course of a day. Since yesterday, though, I have been noticing that pages on GitHub have been taking close to an eternity to open, if not completely failing. Even when the page loads, all of the static content is missing, and many other things aren’t working. With FourSquare, I haven’t been able to get a list of places to check in to. Yesterday, I wrote them off as glitches on both Foursquare and GitHub’s network. It was only today that I realized what’s going on. GitHub and Foursquare both rely on Fastly’s CDN services. And, for some reason, Fastly’s CDN services have not been working within Pakistan. The first thing I did was look pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5072093068479136395 Pakistani Blog Posts


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