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PTH interviews Nadeem Farooq Paracha

From the Blog pakteahouse *[image: NFP pic]The editorial team of PTH is highly grateful to the prominent liberal journalist and cultural critic, Nadeem Farooq Paracha, for giving this interview to PTH. In this interview, NFP gives his candid views on Pakistani establishment, religious extremism and negotiations with TTP, Pakistani urban middle class and its intellectual orientation, Imran Khan and PTI, and liberalism and liberal parties in Pakistan. * *Raza Rumi and Raza Habib Raja* 1*. Do you agree with this assertion made by some quarters that establishment itself is actually directly involved in terrorism particularly the type which is directed against minority sects? Or do you think it is Frankenstein monster gone out of control? * It’s quite clear now and has been for almost a decade that pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3689881832871649725 Pakistani Blog Posts


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