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The 100% Threat To Our National Security

From the Blog aikbaat An alleged political leader who has been instrumental in mainstreaming the *“Taliban Be Our Broz”* narrative recently made another statement that was stupid to say the least. The latest statement that any army operation would be only 40% successful in North Waziristan is amusing coming from someone who has zero military knowledge and understanding of logistics or even military history of Pakistan. I can go on about how this statement is detrimental on multiple levels for the national security of Pakistan but I want to focus on how every time we finally build some sort of a consensus on the TTP, the alleged political leader goes out and completely fucks it up by making a statement that is untrue. It is come to a point where he is practically a national security threat. Let’s stpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

How much dhikr?

From the Blog ashrafiya [image: 20140215-174827.jpg] A seeker wrote,’ I have not fixed the number of times I make remembrance ( *dhikr*) (of Allah). When I get disinterested I stop. Counting puts a pressure on my mind to complete what is remaining.’ Hakim al Umma Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (Allah have mercy on him) replied, ‘This is a grave mistake. Either fix a count or time period. Leaving it on your own interest is opening the way for procrastination.’ *Tarbiyet us Salik*, volume 2, page 896 pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8677416459840207742 Pakistani Blog Posts


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