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Meera and Capt Naveed Divorce - Meera Creates Scene in New York

From the Blog pkhope *‘Jaanu Bas ker do Na’* isn’t starting notes of some romantic Bollywood or Lollywood song, rather they are the globally infamous words uttered by Meera in some really objectionable state as depicted by that tape which was leaked to the media. Some says that the tape was deliberately leaked by Captain Naveed’s family to get rid of Meera. Maheesh Bhatt, the Indian film producer called Meera a ‘psychotic’ woman. In Pakistan, every humorous TV show thrives on a Meera English sitcom. Meera has introduced a new dialect of English in Pakistan as a matter of fact, and you would find many speaking seriously like that. Anyway, Meera thrives on controversy. She also has some real frantic hunger for fame. After movies and reality shows in Pakistan and India, she tried her luck even in ppakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5420009020849797399 Pakistani Blog Posts


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