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How to view Data queue on AS400

From the Blog azimyasin Command to Dump Object 1. DMPOBJ OBJ(QNAMEGOESHERE) OBJTYPE(*DTAQ) 2. wrksplf Search for QPSRVDMP 3. Select display on it and user Shift F8 and page-down to see content of the queue. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Free Karim – NOW!

From the Blog pakteahouse *By Madiha Tahir* On New Year’s Eve 2009, Karim Khan’s family was blown to pieces. A brother, a son and a house guest –a laborer working at a nearby mosque– were all torn to shreds, ripped up in an American drone attack. Since then, Karim has been working with the Islamabad-based lawyer, Shahzad Akbar to file cases in the Pakistani courts demanding justice. At every step of the way, the demands by Pakistanis for democratic, legal solutions have been met with intimidation, harassment and secrecy both by the Pakistani state and the US. Now, Karim has been disappeared. On Feb 5th, 15-20 men, some of them in police uniform, picked up Karim from his home in Rawalpindi, according to witnesses. They took him in front of his wife and children, and his whereabouts are unknown. Akbar pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 9167815348188702013 Pakistani Blog Posts


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