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Mobilink Road Safety Painting Competition Organized ITP’s 8th Anniversary

From the Blog telecomnewspk *More than 1000 children from different schools in Islamabad participated in the event* Mobilink Foundation in collaboration with Islamabad Traffic Police (ITP) organized the ‘Mobilink Road Safety Painting Competition’ at the Open Air Theater Shakarparian, Islamabad. The painting competition aims increase awareness about road safety and promote encourage a traffic rules savvy generation. Hundreds of children from Government and private schools of the twin cities took part in the competition. [image: Mobilink Road Safety Painting 2014] Omar Manzur, Head of Corporate Communication Mobilink praised the art of the school children and encouraged them to learn about road safety measures. Speaking to the audience he said, “Every year thousands of people are affected by road accidenpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3912558367244329345 Pakistani Blog Posts


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