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Roasted Tomato Soup

From the Blog bakerscanvasToday is the day for tomatoes. Here comes a recipe for roasted tomato soup. I know it is a bit late, and winters are leaving, but there is still time to enjoy soup at least a couple of times. At my house, different variations of tomato soup are made frequently in winters. It is easy to make and does not take much time to cook. Croutons add texture to soup. I make my croutons with regular white bread. Cut the bread into cubes, brush with olive oil on both sides, sprinkle a salt. You can sprinkle some black pepper as well, but I don't like it much. Bake the croutons in the oven at 180 C. I make mine in the electric toaster. Croutons made from tomato bread would also compliment the soup, only you don't need to sprinkle salt on it as it is already savory. The recipe calls for chicpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 602631184061032406 Pakistani Blog Posts


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