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This Valentines, Get Foodstruck with 7up!

From the Blog koolmuzone [image: 7UP Love it up] Love sprouts in the most unforeseen places. The “dhak dhak” comes from where you least expect it and who doesn’t love to eat! It’s just contagious! You’ll know a food lover when you see one because they’ll always have a 7UP at hand. It’s just the greatest Combo in town and it will have you dreaming, wanting, craving and coming back for more. [image: 7up]This Valentine’s Day, share a little love by participating in 7UP’s Love it UP Challenge. The contest is open to everyone and anyone who has a Facebook account. You may participate via the internet during the duration of the contest which ends on 11th Feb 2014. Go to 7up’s facebook page and follow the instructions. Only Top 100 on the leader board will be announced as winners of the Love it UP Challenge.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments


From the Blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Naked: A blog post from Pakistani Models at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and fun blogs for... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

New Zealand to investigate Ryder and Bracewell night-out

From the Blog en New Zealand Cricket is to investigate reports that Test squad members Doug Bracewell and Jesse Ryder were out the night before the first Test against India. [image: New Zealand to investigate Ryder and Bracewell night out Jesse Ryder 246x300] Jesse Ryder has a chequered history in having previously been fined and stood down for alcohol-related misbehavior. BLACKCAPS manager Mike Sandle says he is disappointed by what he understands to have occurred. “Their behaviour is totally unacceptable the night before a match. We trust the players to make good decisions and the pair have breached this trust.” Sandle says he has spoken to both players and they confirmed they were out at a bar until the early hours of Thursday morning. NZC will now begin an investigation into the matter anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 224735558808596981 Pakistani Blog Posts


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