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Peshawar 22.09.2013

From the Blog gsntahir [image: Image] My friends were there Praying to God My people all bowed Asking for His blessings For them and theirs And for Pakistan Everyone there was mine Children mine Girls mine Boys mine Youth mine Mothers mine Fathers mine Old aged mine All on their knees Singing hymns And saying 'aamin' Sunday best Dresses and mood Happiness and mirth All of this earth. And a deafening sound Heat, pain, fire around Disbelief, flying metal Sky rending cries And another sound Adding to the din Limbs and clothes Shoes and sandals Sobs and groans Silence and moans My people all Shattered and torn Asking where if the God They had just invoked Another story, Another lament, More photo-ops and Media to comment Three days to mourn Then back to work The usual drudge. The night falls Silence reignpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6888239494207973493 Pakistani Blog Posts


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