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Are you thinking of an early retirement?

From the Blog hammadsiddiquiblog - What does early retirement means? - How do people get retired at an early age? - What do they do when they are retired at 40 or 50 years of age? When someone asks me my future plans, I always go back and tell them "My plans are early retirement from a 9-5 job when I turn 50″ - [image: Early Retirement] Early Retirement Some people think this is a crazy idea. People need money to survive and at times lots of money. The argument they make is the poor economic condition, rising inflation and cost of living. My question is: What will happen if I retire at 65 instead of my plan of getting retired at an early age? Given wars and other global conditions, the economic situation may be worst after 15 additional years. I will be much older, less mobile and less energetic pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4460720017476719960 Pakistani Blog Posts


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