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From the blog zainubjaved Writers have this strange (and dangerous) power over readers' minds. A reader is as helpless in the hands of a writer as a toy. While you're really into a piece, you can't help anything. You get to wish. Growing fiercer. So, I was reading a trio. As the end was coming near, I was secretly praying to God for the characters I was in love with. At a certain point, it seemed like the whole point of the story was non-sense and it all seemed to be going in the wrong way. My head was pounding so hard I thought my mind would blow up. I stopped instantly as if to prepare myself for what was going to happen next. What are characters that we get so involved with? Just a figment of imagination of the writer -the ruthless being who can get your beloved characters disappear like they never pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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