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Malala Ki Haqeeqat

From the Blog pkhope You really want to know the true bare facts behind the Malala Yousafzai and why she has been given so much importance and respect in the Western world? You really want to know why a faction of society refuses to accept Malala and her role and her struggle? You really want to know what this is all about? Then first you need to be prepare to face the truth. This is not just about this little girl from the Swat who wanted to study and on October 9, 2012, the Taliban terrorists attacked her just because she was adamantly going to school and was asking her mates and other girls in the area to accompany her to the school. This is not just about her standing up in the face of subjugation, threats and harassment. This is not just about any conspiracy. This is all about the fact that pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6223132539316169632 Pakistani Blog Posts


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