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Chicken Croquettes

From the Blog bakerscanvasRamadan Kareem to everyone who is fortunate to gain the blessings of the sacred month. There is special focus on ibadah and prayers. With all the spirituality going around, some part of us is also working on what to have for iftar. I would not recommend spending the whole day in the kitchen to prepare a lavish iftar. Ramadan should not be about food. Therefore it is better to prepare some things ahead of time and utilize them at iftar time. This would ensure that you have free time for other more important tasks of Ramadan. I made some chicken croquettes, which are easy and quick to make and can be prepared ahead and frozen. Since everything used in these croquettes is cooked beforehand, you just have to fry them, without fear that something will remain undercooked, and cause dipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 695447472323555876 Pakistani Blog Posts


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