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From the Blog alafidah I have not written the title 'Neither PPP nor PML-N', because I consider the reader intelligent enough to not even consider voting for PPP considering the financial inflation, energy crisis, target killing, sectarian massacres and escalation of drones in the past five years. If anyone is getting impressed by the Pak-Iran gas pipeline deal, well that is just an election stunt. The Pak-Iran gas pipeline deal is a must-do project, but it has been on the table since 1990. The fact that it has been 'finalized' in a daring move near the elections is all too obvious. I can bet that if PPP returns to power, they will cancel or postpone the project under some pretext of a 'technical difficulty'. PPP does not have the concept, ethics or dare to defy America. As far as PML-N is concernedpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6609599387922758541 Pakistani Blog Posts


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