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Why Imran Khan is Invincible in This Election

From the Blog pkhope Pakistan is buzzing with the murmuring 'We Want Change' in its breadths and depths from Karachi to Khyber. The boon of youth is angry, very angry and they refuse to be deceived again by the same two parties zigzags. The silent majority of Pakistan smile in their miseries slightly when they hear the name of Imran Khan. Imran Khan is the name which people want to hear and see now. Rest is all residual and sundry and secondary. Imran Khan's party PTI, internal fighting among the party workers, the tension between the old and new, media propaganda blackmailing and political infighting is secondary. With Imran Khan at the front, all goes in the background and that is why people will be voting for even poles of PTI come the next elections. The reason why people of Pakistan are goipakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6015366648087388411 Pakistani Blog Posts


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