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SC orders to public Lal Masjid Commission report

From the Blog united4justice Supreme Court has ordered to public lal masjid commission report and told the government to give it to anyone requesting for it. In the report the commission has put the blame of innocent loss of lives on General (R) Pervaiz Musharraf and his team at that time including former Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz. There were some issues in the report which are still a subject of great like the body count and who died. Reportedly, according to the commission report some 103 people were killed in the operation including 92 civilians and 11 security personnel. They also said that no woman was killed in the operation. However, according to several accounts from lal masjid students, prominent journalists and religious leaders, there were much casualties including women and children. Those pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1301929249367298370 Pakistani Blog Posts


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