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From the Blog cheers4all You can not beat a good euphonious The post Payperpost appeared first on Cheers4all. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

HBL Gets SBP Approvals for Commercial Launch of Branchless Banking in Pakistan

From the Blog propakistaniHabib Bank Limited last night got the branchless banking license for the commercial launch of its operations across Pakistan, we have confirmed with sources. After this approval from State Bank of Pakistan, according to our sources, HBL is likely to commercially launch the service with-in two weeks. State Bank of Pakistan granted license of HBL after it successfully carried out mobile financial services during its [...]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Marco Rubio & The Immigration Reform Issues

From the Blog paknews [image: MarcoRubio]Senator Marc Rubio stands at a crossroads as immigration reform heads for a vote in the U.S. Senate. Several paths present themselves to Rubio as a member of the Gang of Eight, which is a bipartisan group trying to hammer out an immigration bill that will appeal to a majority of the senate. Rubio Must Please His Base Some in the Tea Party are displeased that Rubio is backing a bill that would create a path to citizenship for illegal aliens. The Tea Party was instrumental in backing Rubio during his Florida run for the U.S. Senate. In an attempt to soften his push for immigration reform, Rubio has loaded up the proposed bill with triggers that must be engaged before he would support a bill. These triggers have allowed him several exits to bail out from immigpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

From change to change, I know this change

From the Blog pkhope A short paragraph interested me in the book titled "The American Political Process" by Alan Grant. Here it is: 'There have been over 5000 suggested amendments to the Constitution introduced in Congress since 1787, but less than 40 have been submitted to the states and only twenty-seven have actually been ratified [by 1994].' Let me tell what is interesting in it. Making amendments in the constitution is the only way to have desired 'change' in today's any democratic society, where parliament is supreme. Here in Pakistan, Islamic movements or political parties which want Islamic rule in the country often pose this argument that by becoming part of any democratic system they can bring in the 'desired' change. What I found lame about this rationale of Islamic political parties pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 571655592323236254 Pakistani Blog Posts


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