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It's all about balls..

From the Blog jamash There are two kind of humans on this planet (which is like a playground ), one who are people and the others who have balls; I mean who are Balls. The ball(s) sit in the center, (of the playground of course), happy to be surrounded by the people, the ball likes to have all the attending people give to it and it thinks they are in love with it until the whistle blows and the game begins . If it's match of football, rugby or hockey, the ball is suddenly approached from all sides , Its eyes bulge out our of excitement that humans have finally decided to accept it as one of them , but a ball is a ball and nothing more or less than a ball. There is a reason balls are also called nuts, because they are nuts, totally crazy and brainless nuts, don't they look at them selves !, they pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7400020936716528116 Pakistani Blog Posts


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