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Boston's Largest Mosque: 'We're Bostonians — We Mourn With The City'

From the blog pakistanisforpeace By Shahien Nasiripour for The Huffington Post [image: Image] Security officials at Boston's largest mosque requested police to guard its campus in the wake of Monday's deadly explosions at the Boston Marathon, a sobering reminder that Muslims in the U.S. often face threats after alleged terrorist attacks. But if the pair of city police officers parked outside the mosque conveyed a message of heightened alert, workers inside the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center were too busy to notice. There, a small staff spent Tuesday morning working with religious leaders from various faiths across the city to launch an interfaith prayer event to memorialize the attack's victims, while offering city and state officials all the resources the mosque could muster. "We're Bostonians pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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