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میں مجاہد بننا چاہتا ہوں عالم نہیں

From the blog qalamkarwan [image: mujahid] ''تم عالم کا کورس کیوں نہیں کرتے؟؟؟'' کچھ عرصے پہلے مجھ سے یہ سوال میرے ایک عزیز دوست نے کیا۔اس وقت تو میں نے اسے سیدھا سا جواب دیا کہ '' بالکل!!! دونوں مل کر کرتے ہیں۔۔۔'' مگر بعد میں میں نے اس بات پر غور کرنا شروع کر دیا۔ عام طور پر ہمارے اسلامی معاشرے میں لوگ محض پیدئشی مسلمان ہوتے ہیں جنہیں باریک بیں اللہ والے '' قانونی مسلمان '' کہتے ہیں۔پھر کچھ لوگ جو اس دنیا کے گھن چکروں سے خود کو آزاد کر کے اپنے بارے میں سوچنا شروع کر دیتے ہیں ۔۔۔ دین کو پڑھنا سمجھنا شروع کر دیتے ہیں تووہ صرف قانونی مسلمان سے بڑھ کر ایمان کے کسی درجے کو پالیتے ہیں۔بس اب حرام اور حلال کی لسٹ تیار ہوناشروع۔۔۔اپنے آپ کو ظاہری طور پر بدلنا، دوسروں پر نکتہ چینی کرنا، فرقہ واریت، تفرقہ بازی وغیرہ وغیرہ ۔۔۔ وہ اپنی ہر بات کو صحیح اور دوسروں کو غلط راہ پر چلتا دیکھتے ہیں۔ یہ ابتدائی pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Ni Meh Jana Jogi De Naal part 1 of 4

From the blog sarahinsouthkoreapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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جل تو جلال تو آئی بلا کو ٹال تو

From the blog theajmals ہمارے ہاں عام تاءثر یہی ہے کہ پڑھائی کی بنیاد اور عقل کی نشانی انگریزی ہے ۔ ایک سیاسی لیڈر نے زندگی کا بہتر حصہ ولائت میں گذارا تھا اور شادی بھی ولائتی گوری سے کر کے گویا سونے پر سوہاگہ مل دیا تھا ۔ اُس نے لاہور سونامی کو اپنا رہبر بنایا ۔ اس کی چکا چوند نے بہت لوگوں کی نظروں کو خیرا کر دیا ۔ عوام پیچھ چل پڑی ۔ ہر طرف بالخصوص فیس بُک پر خان خان بلا بلا ہونے لگا ۔ لیڈر صاحب بھی موج میں آ کر سمجھ بیٹھے بلکہ اعلان کر بیٹھے کی پاکستان کا اگلا وزیرِ اعظم وہی ہوں گے ۔ جب انتخابات ہوئے تو سارے خواب چکنا چور ہو گئے وزارتِ عُظمٰی ہاتھ سے گئی تو احتجاج کا دامن ایسا پکڑا کہ چھوڑنے کا نام نہیں لیتے ۔ ڈرون حملوں کے خلاف احتجاج کرتے ہوئے خیبر پختونخوا میں افغانستان کو جانے والے ٹرکوں کے راستہ میں صبح 9 بجے سے شام 5 بجے تک دھرنا دیتے ہیں جسے چِلّہ ہونے کو ہے ۔ سُنا ہے کہ باقی راستوں سے تو ٹرpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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This Season 'Unlock Possibilities' with Huawei Pakistan

From the blog telecomnewspk The worldwide telecom company, Huawei, recently launched its "Unlock Possibilities" campaign in Pakistan. After a huge successful launch of online Unlock Possibilities campaign has gone live in Lahore & Islamabad. The Mall of Lahore & Centaurs Mall Islamabad were both swarmed with shoppers as the holiday season started in full swing. The engaging campaign began on Christmas Eve and will continue till the 29th of December. Attractive kiosks have been set up at both cities, decked with holiday celebrations. Customers flock around to partake in the "Unlock Possibilities" competition, eager to win prizes. With the holiday season just around the corner and people flocking in for winter shopping- Huawei is adding to this year's festivities by giving consumers a little more to hope fpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Online petition and GIA demo against invasive TV show

From the blog beenasarwar [image: GIA demo in Karachi (file photo): Human beings must be treated equally, regardless of gender or sexual orientation] GIA demo in Karachi (file photo): Human beings must be treated equally, regardless of gender or sexual orientation The Gender Interactive Alliance (GIA) has called for a demonstration against Abb Takk TV's show Khufia for its gross invasion of privacy and human rights, to be held today, Monday Dec 30, at 4:00 pm at the Karachi Press Club. If you're in Karachi, please show your solidarity by joining them. *Also please read and sign this online petition "Act against AbbTakk TV for violating privacy and human rights"* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Farewell, songbird.

From the blog randomlyabstract [image: bright_ra_MariaI.]*Chasing after red* *silly songbird never knew* *where 'twas heading to* 'Hiking with Haiku' ~ Format: 5-7-5 poetry ~ Haiku #7 ~ Randomly Abstract Written in response to the daily prompt Brainwave: Show us BRIGHT. Filed under: 2013, By the roaring waves!, Hiking with Haikus, Paintings and Scribblings pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Toasty Warm and Blissfully Unoccupied!

From the blog offirefliesandbrowniespakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog newsclutch: No guesses as to why this $2000 clutch screams futuristic and elegant at the same time. Carrying this beauty would be like accessorising yourself with a giant diamond. Made entirely of mirrors, it would perfectly reflect whichever outfit the fashionistas carrying this clutch is sporting; those who own it will never have to worry about coordinating their accessory to their dress everpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Pakistanis Exchanged 316 Billion SMS During 2012-13

From the blog propakistani Pakistani mobile phone users exchanged staggering 315.7 billion text messages during July 2012 to June 2013 or 865 million SMS messages a day, said a report prepared by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, which is exclusively available with ProPakistani now. Telecom sector has witnessed substantial growth for SMS traffic over the years. Thanks to unlimited SMS packages by cellular operators and increased adoption of SMS services, the [...] The post Pakistanis Exchanged 316 Billion SMS During 2012-13 appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sri Lanka Cricket unsure on BD tour

From the blog pkhope Due to the ongoing violence in Bangladesh the smooth happenings of the Asia Cup and the World T20 Cup is in jeopardy, however, prior to the mega events, the Sri Lankan Cricket team is also scheduled to tour Bangladesh which will definitely be a test case for the Bangladesh cricket authorities. In this connection, the Bangladesh Cricket Board [BCB] dispatched a security plan to the concerned authorities. "Upon Sri Lanka's request, a comprehensive security plan has been dispatched to them. We are hopeful for a positive response from our Sri Lankan counterparts", said BCB spokesman Jalal Younus, while talking to this correspondent for News One TV. "The security plan has been sent to the International Cricket Council, and the same will be dispatched to the Asian Cricket Council apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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آپکا کیا خیال ہے؟

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان * نہیں معلوم اس بات میں کتنی صداقت ہے کہ : بحری فوج میں بطور سیلر شمولیت اختیار کرنے پر سمندر سے شناسائی کیلئے سمندر میں پھینک دیتے ہیں کہ "نیچر " بہترین تیراکی سکھاتی ہے۔۔ اخبارات بلاول بھٹو زرداری کے بیانات اور ٹوئٹر پیغام پر تبصروں سے بھرے پڑے ہیں۔۔۔کوئی کہہ رہا ہے ابھی طفل مکتب ہےاورکوئی اِن بیانات کی روشنی میں اتالیق کو سرچ کرنے کی کوشش کررہا ہے۔۔ جبکہ میرےمیرے خیال میں بلاول کو سیاست کے سمندر میں پھینک دیا گیا ہے کہ "نیچر" بہترین اتالیق ہے اس خیال کو تقویت پہنچانے کیلئے دلیل بھی تو دینا ہوگی۔ وہ یہ ہے کہ اگر بلاول کا کوئی اتالیق ہوتا تو بلاول کرسمس اور قائداعظم کے یوم پیدائش پر یہ پیغام ہرگز نہ دیتے کہ اپنی زندگی میں وہ کسی عیسائی کو پاکستان کا وزیرِاعظم دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں، اسلئیے کہ پاکستان نام ہے،عیسائیوں کی غُلامی سے آزادی کا ۔۔۔گو کہ اس پیغام سے عیpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Qoomi Jhoot Bolny Waly by Orya Maqbool Jan

From the blog columnpkQoomi Jhoot Bolny Waly by Orya Maqbool Janpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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This season, 'Unlock Possibilities' with Huawei

From the blog reporterpk [image: Huawei]The worldwide telecom company, Huawei, recently launched its "Unlock Possibilities" campaign in Pakistan. After a huge successful launch of online Unlock Possibilities campaign has gone live in Lahore & Islamabad. The Mall of Lahore & Centaurs Mall Islamabad were both swarmed with shoppers as the holiday season started in full swing. The engaging campaign began on Christmas Eve and will continue till the 29th of December. Attractive kiosks have been set up at both cities, decked with holiday celebrations. Customers flock around to partake in the "Unlock Possibilities" competition, eager to win prizes. With the holiday season just around the corner and people flocking in for winter shopping- Huawei is adding to this year's festivities by giving consumers a littlpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTA issued New SIM Activation Rules for Franchise and Retailers

From the blog fmcommunication [image: PTA New Rules For Sim Activation] Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) recently issued new rules for SIM Activation. According to details, from now and onward, only five SIM cards could be activated on single handset. It is mandatory for a customer to activate its new SIM card on its own handset. This new directive has been implemented immediately. [image: PTA Sim Activation Trick] PTA wil use (IMEI Number), the unique code of handset, and the SIM activation data to implement this rule. *© 2010 - 2013 Pakistan Live News* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[سالنامہ 2013ء] میدان سے باہر پاکستان کے لیے بحران کا سال

From the blog cricnama میدانوں میں ملی جلی کارکردگی سے ذرا نظریں ہٹائیں تو 2013ء پاکستان کرکٹ میں بحران کا سال رہا۔ سال رواں میں پاکستان میں عام انتخابات کے بعد نئی حکومت کا قیام عمل میں آیا تو پاکستان کرکٹ بورڈ میں بھی اکھاڑ پچھاڑ کا عمل شروع ہوا۔ مئی میں پاکستان مسلم لیگ 'ن' کی حکومت آتے ہی منتخب چیئرمین ذکا اشرف کے لیے معاملات گمبھیر ہوتے چلے گئے بلکہ اسی مہینے انہیں کام کرنے سے روک دیا گیا اور چند دنوں بعد معروف صحافی اور انتخابات کے موقع پر پنجاب کے نگراں وزیراعلیٰ کی ذمہ داریاں نبھانے والے نجم سیٹھی کو پی سی بی کا قائم مقام سربراہ مقرر کردیا گیا۔ [image: نجم سیٹھی کے لیے کرکٹ بورڈ کے سربراہ کا عہدہ پھولوں کی سیج ثابت نہیں ہوا (تصویر: AP)] نجم سیٹھی کے لیے کرکٹ بورڈ کے سربراہ کا عہدہ پھولوں کی سیج ثابت نہیں ہوا (تصویر: AP) نئے سربراہ نجم سیٹھی کے لیے پی سی بی کی سربراہی پھولوں کی سیج ثابت نہیںpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Multan Dating

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Multan Dating: A blog post from Pakistani Hot Girl at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Blast from the past: Unexpected help in KU

From the blog periodicreflectionsOne day I had to go to KU admin block. As a teacher there, we had to receive our payments from the accounts department (yes, KU is a bit old fashioned). As I parked my car in the admin parking, one of the tyres went flat. Well actually it was already flat when I entered […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I should.

From the blog ayelanajeeb I should keep my mouth shut because people don't get sarcasm. I should also dig a hole and bury myself in. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Experience as Software Engineer at Cygnis Media

From the blog hammey555 These are some of the projects on which i have work as solo or in a team at cygnis media. - - Jamaheer - Pack a truck - Gillette Fantasy League Pakistan - Trident - Chronicle and IGN - Wendys Top Game - 100 Points and still their are lot more projects on which i have work but i can't write down about all. You can see on this link. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Nokia Lumia 1520 for just $49.99

From the blog basitali [image: Nokia Lumia 1520]The Nokia Lumia 1520 a Phablet launched a month back by Nokia is available for an amazing price, it is available for just $49.99. Yes it is true Nokia Lumia 1520 is available for just $49.99 on Amazon. The Nokia Lumia 1520 an amazing Window Phone featuring a huge 6″ inch display, the largest Window Phone packed with exciting features for just $49.99 is an awesome deal. You can check the specs and features of Nokia Lumia by clicking on the following link "Nokia Lumia 1520 specs and features". The offer from Amazon makes the Nokia Lumia 1520 a must buy device as it is available for just $49.99 on a two year contract with At&T. The device is available in three colors i.e Black, Red and White. You can buy the Nokia Lumia 1520 of the color of your choice fpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A game of cards [Excerpt]

From the blog salmanlatifAt the next table sat three tensely mute men. Each was slouched behind a set of five high-held cards, looking intently into them as if the sheer power of their gaze may melt and redo the fortunes subscribed on the cheap plastic. Subsequently, one of them lazily threw down a Hearts' four and prompted a […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Interpreting Another Earth

From the blog awaisaftab**Warning. Major Spoilers Ahead** *Another Earth* (2011) is a beautiful indie film that is an elegant emotional exploration of our longing for redemption and second chances. The sci-fi elements serve, for the most part, as background ploy for bringing to life that possibility of meeting another you who might not have made the same mistakes that you did. (The scientific basis of another completely identical Earth appearing and moving in the manner shown in the film is extremely sloppy, which can be a turn-off for many.) The way film ends leaves much to think about, not just in terms of emotional processing, but also because several interpretations are possible. Below I'll try to outline some of the explanations that seem plausible to me. One crucial element regarding the differepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Flora - My Photography

From the blog NotesFromPakistanFlora - My Photography Blog: Capturing a painting pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog newsLahore: LAHORE The engineering students the Government College University GCU , Lahore, have built a GSM-based energy meter that sends text messages to consumers about electricity bills and dozens of other mobile-based smart devices. ( As reported in the media. Filed under Lahore, stories.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog diaryofshirin Is surkh diwaar mein Kuch hilla howa hai Main hilli hoyi hoon pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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An Interview With Bad Luck Brian

From the blog furreekattHe took the entire internet by storm when his yearbook photo was posted on Reddit. His face represents the humorous side of mischance and tragedy. He's provided tonnes of laughs in meme form, and has now shifted his comedy to YouTube. He is the one, the only: *Bad Luck Brian.* In the meme culture which has taken over the internet since the past two years, the Bad Luck Brian meme stands out as one of the most hilarious ones. It involves a yearbook picture of a young, blonde male student - the text accompanying it usually displays sometimes funny, sometimes really mean forms of bad luck that he encounters. When I first discovered that the guy in the Bad Luck Brian meme was making videos on YouTube, I was elated. I am proud to say that I was one of his earliest subscribers, apakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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باي ارض تموت

From the blog hajisahb عنوان ایک ایسی آیت کریمہ سے لیا گیا حصہ ہے جس میں اللہ تعالٰی نے چند ایسے علوم کا ذکر کیا ہے جن میں بارے صرف اور صرف اسی کی ذات باری تعالٰی ہی جانتی ہے۔ اور انہی چند علوم میں سے ایک علم کسی شخص کی موت کس مقام پر ہوگی بھی ہے۔ اور نہ […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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" المقدم کی عطا "

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان* خالق، مالک، پروردگار کی مرضی ہے، جسے چاہے نواز دے۔۔ کائنات میں اربوں سیارے ہیں، اِن اربوں سیاروں میں سے* خُدا* جانے* خُدا* کو سیارہ زمین کی کونسی ادا بھاگئی کہ اسکی گود* ہری* بھری ہوگئی ، طرح طرح کے رنگوں ،پھولوں اور مخلوقات سے سج گئی۔۔یہ خیال یوں آیا کہ مونگ پھلی کے اخباری لفافے پر منتخب سیارہ زمین کی طرح اربوں انسانوں میں سے منتخب، بھارت کی شکنتلا دیوی کا ذکر تھا کہ جسے *خُدا* نے غیرمعمولی حیرت انگیز ذہانت سے نوازا تھا،گوگل سرچ سےشکنتلا دیوی کے بارے میں مزید معلومات حاصل کیں کہ وہ بغیر فارمل تعلیم حاصل کئے ریاضی میں کمپیوٹر کو شکست دیکر، گنیز بک ورلڈ ریکارڈ ہولڈر بنیں۔۔۔اُنہوں نے دُنیا کے دوسو ملکوں میں خُدا کی عطا کردہ غیر معمولی ذہانت کا مظاہرہ کرکے لوگوں کو حیرت زدہ کیا اور "انسانی کمپیوٹر " کا لقب پایا۔۔* خُدا *نے شکنتلا دیوی کو ریاضی ذہانت کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Some Mistakes in CV You Must Avoid

From the blog hammadsiddiquiblog Humans are humans, we all make mistakes, even while preparing CVs – These CV blunders are not specific to a country or to a specific culture, these CV Blunders exist everywhere. Job seekers do not realize that due to their ignorance and apathy they are losing their chances of getting an interview call! One of […] The post Some Mistakes in CV You Must Avoid appeared first on Career Guru. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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New Year Offer: Get Free Gifts with Purchase of Nokia Lumia 925

From the blog fmcommunication [image: Nokia Lumia 925 offer] Nokia Pakistan in collaboration with Advance Telecom offers free gifts with purchase of Nokia Lumia 925 Handsets in Pakistan. *Ring in the new year with the Nokia Lumia 925 to get awesome accessories absolutely free. A spectacular combination gift pack including bluetooth, car charger, travel charger and soft cover with Nokia Lumia 925!* [image: Nokia Lumia 925] Nokia Lumia 925 is a Windows Phone with 8.7 Megapixel PureView camera with six Carl Zeiss lenses. Slim and lightweight aluminium body around a 4.5 inch HD+ display. *© 2010 - 2013 Pakistan Live News* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[سالنامہ 2013ء] مزاحمت کا سال، پے در پے شکستیں اور پھر یادگار فتوحات

From the blog cricnama ٹیسٹ کرکٹ میں پاکستان کے "کارنامے" تو آپ نے ملاحظہ کر ہی لیے ہوں گے کہ قومی ٹیم سال 2013ء میں کیا گل کھلاتی رہی ہے لیکن حیران کن طور پر پاکستان کی محدود طرز کی کرکٹ میں کارکردگی گزشتہ سال کی نسبت کافی بہتر رہی۔ گو کہ سال کے اہم ترین ٹورنامنٹ چیمپئنز ٹرافی میں بدترین شکست اور جنوبی افریقہ کے خلاف سال میں دو مرتبہ ون ڈے سیریز میں شکست نے سب "کارناموں" کو گہنا دیا لیکن پھر بھی ٹیسٹ میں پورا سال فتوحات سے محروم رہنے والی ٹیم کی جانب سے سال میں 7 سیریز جیتنا اور انفرادی سطح پر سال کے بہترین بیٹسمین اور بہترین باؤلرز میں سرفہرست آنا ایک معجزہ ہی کہا جا سکتا ہے۔ [image: پاکستان کے لیے سال کا اس سے بہترین آغاز نہیں ہو سکتا تھا، بھارت کے خلاف بھارت میں تاریخی سیریز فتح (تصویر: BCCI)] پاکستان کے لیے سال کا اس سے بہترین آغاز نہیں ہو سکتا تھا، بھارت کے خلاف بھارت میں تاریخی سیریز فتح (تصویpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Topless Lahori babe in changing room

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Topless Lahori babe in changing room: A blog post from Lahore Girls at The largest... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"How Do You Do It?"

From the blog sesapzaiIt was around late October of this year and I was taking two graduate classes, was a teaching assistant to … Continue reading » pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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5. Superiority of Race & Hindus

From the blog iabhopal Part-1, Mentality and Struggle, Part-2, Martin L King & Gandhi, Part-3, Gandhi won freedom peacefully ??? and Part-4, Gandhi & Uplift of Low Caste can be read by clicking on the topics The superiority of caste and race is deeply imbedded in the psyche of upper caste Hindus irrespective of their upbringing or the level of education or the place where they live. For example, in the words of a socialist leader, Madhu Limaye, "Nehru practiced both racism and casteism, despite his modern upbringing and outlook" (Telegraph, Calcutta, November 21, 1987). In a revealing passage about his "making", Nehru wrote, "Behind me lie somewhere in the sub-conscience, racial memories of hundred or whatever the numbers may be, generations of Brahmins. I cannot get rid of that past inheritance" (Jpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Assets Details of Pakistani Parliamentarians

From the blog pakistanhotlineElection Commission of Pakistan (ECP) issued details of the assets and liabilities of parliamentarians; MNAs, MPAs and Senators. Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif, Khalil Zaman Orakzai (NA-16) and Dr... For More Details, Please Visit: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Huawei organized Golf Tournament in Islamabad

From the blog telecomnewspk *Lahore**: 28 December 2013: *Huawei, a leading global ICT solutions provider, hosted the 1st Invitational Golf Tour's at Islamabad Golf Club. Huawei could not have picked a better season or venue for this occasion. Golfers and families flocked to the Islamabad Golf Club in a festive mood during this holiday season. [image: Huawei Golf Tournament in Islamabad] The one day tourney in Islamabad attracted around 110 amateur and veteran golfers, representing a diverse segment of Islamabad's Government, corporate and business sector, making for a well competed event, providing healthy entertainment and promoting golf in Pakistan. Huawei presented a number of valuable prizes to winners and other participants. Simon Geng, CEO Huawei Pakistan and a golf enthusiast himself, was chief pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog saadil All these poems are futile if they don't glitter on the night sky of your lashes; if they don't glow in the daybreak of a smile pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog newstransactions: In terms of composition of total e-banking transactions in terms of volume, ATMs enjoyed the highest share of 64.6% followed by real-time online branches RTOB , which maintained a 22.8% share. The rest of the transactions consisted of point-of-sale POS , internet, call centre and mobile banking, according to The Express Tribune and The volume of e-banking transactions grew bypakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ذرا تافتان تک ۔ 3

From the blog riazshahidپارک سے نکل کر شرفی نے کہا ، خبردار اگر اس کے بعد تم نے مجھے نایاب جنگلی حیات کے نام پر کوئی اور بھیڑ یا بکری دکھانے کی کوشش کی ۔ تو اس کا مطلب ہے اگلا سٹاپ مارخور کی محفوظ پناہ گاہ ہزار گنجی چلتن نیشنل پارک فہرست میں سے نکال دوں ؟ مکمل پوسٹ پڑھئیے...pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Tweets from Space

From the blog iamzeeshan2010 was ending, and I had *no idea *about the amazing things that were going to happen. Since it was the end of year, my old astronomer friend Ramiz Qureshi told me that he wants Pakistani astronomy enthusiasts on Twitter to become a part of ISS wave. All was set, and during the last week of December we decided to do that. So, during an ISS pass people from at least three cities of Pakistan (Hyderabad, Karachi and Lahore) saw the ISS passing right above their heads and waved at it. Once done, people tweeted their sentiments about the ISS wave. It was perhaps the first such instance when something like this happened in Pakistan. #ISSwave Hyderabad Pakistan — Zeeshan. (@ImZeesh) December 25, 2010 Our map is showing waves not just in the US & UK but also Canada, Mexico, Slovakipakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Top 5 Critisicm on Pakistan Idol 2014

From the blog pkhope Pakistan Idol is disappointing, angering, and annoying majority of the Pakistanis across the country. It is more of the source of disenchantment because the hopes were high, and the passions were running at an upbeat tone as this program was announced. The first dismay to the horror of Pakistanis started with the announcement of the judges and it still caries on. There are many things which are not right about this music reality show, but there are five of them which stand out like a sour thumb, and so much so that people are boycotting it and have started petitions about it. Even there are some people who are holding physical protests about it, and may go to the courts to have a legal action against the producers. Following are the top 5 No Nos about the program: 1. Thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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" پھر کون مسلمان یا عیسائی بچے گا "

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان:**/محمدتقی عثمانی**/فتح اللہ گولن/ جاوید احمد غامدی /**پوپ فرانسس * محترم افتخار اجمل بھائی نے سانحہ مشرقی پاکستان کی مسخ شُدہ تشریحات پر بعنوان"دل کا داغ جو مٹ نہ سکا " اور پھربعنوان "سانحہ مشرقی پاکستان کی بنیادی وجہ" لکھا۔ صرف 4 دہائیوں میں سانحے سے متعلق ہونے والی مسخ شُدہ واقعاتی تشریح کو دیکھ کر خیال آتا ہے کہ صدیوں پُرانے مذاہب جو آج بھی رائج ہیں اُنکی صورت اصل سے کتنی مختلف ہوگئی ہوگی؟؟ قدامت پرست عیسائی پوپ فرانسس شانزدہم پر الزام لگا رہے کہ : ہم جنس پرستی ، اسقاطِ حمل اور طلاق کے بارے میں حالیہ دنوں میں پوپ نے جو بیانات دئیے ہیں وہ عیسائی مذہب کے عقیدوں سے متصادم ہیں اسطرح پوپ فرانسس عیسائی مذہب کا چہرہ بگاڑ رہے ہیں، اسی طرح فتح اللہ گولن: ذاکر نائیک: جاوید احمد غامدی وغیرہ پر بھی یہی الزام ہے کہ یہ لوگ اسلام کی تشریحات غلط انداز میں کر کے اسلام کpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Discover the Best Dining Spots with Warid's MyDining Android App

From the blog reporterpk [image: image009]When looking for a new place to carb up, to eat, or to simply want to try some new scrumptious cuisine, the frequent obstacle is to settle upon where to go, and it is often thinked out by going to the same old place. For picky eaters and for those who are delving for new opinions for eateries and nightlife spots in Pakistan, there are plenty of apps available on Play Store but one that I'm reviewing today is 'My Dining' by Warid. According to the app description, *"My Dining has been designed to make this task easier by allowing you to look up all the information you've ever needed about a restaurant anytime, anywhere.* *With My Dining, you'll have all the information you want about a restaurant including its location, contact information, photos, customer fpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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PTCL Upgraded 1-Mbps DSL Speed to 2-Mbps till 28-Feb-2014

From the blog fmcommunication [image: PTCL-DSL-Speed-Upgrade-2014] PTCL, once again, upgraded all regular 1-Mbps customers to 2-Mbps DSL Speed. All regular 1-Mbps customers will now get 2-Mbps internet speed at price of 1-Mbps. *PTCL Broadband 1Mbps to 2Mbps upgrade promotion Details*: - 2Mbps Broadband promotion charges: Rs.1,250 per month. - All Regular 1Mbps customers are being upgraded to 2Mbps. - Valid Up to 28th February 2014. - Rs 1,549 will be charged for 2Mbps after promotion period. - No extra charges will be charged to customer before 28th February 2014. [image: PTCL-Pakistan-Promo-28-Dec-2013] All customer who do not wish to continue with 2Mbps will have to Opt out by calling 1236 and reverting back to 1Mbps, before 28 Feb 2014. *© 2010 - 2013 Pakistan Live News* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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[سالنامہ 2013ء] ٹیسٹ کرکٹ میں پاکستان کے لیے مایوس کن سال

From the blog cricnama سال 2013ء کا آغاز اور پھر اس کا اختتام پاکستان کے لیے دونوں بہت یادگار رہے، لیکن درمیان میں جو کچھ ہوا، وہ ایک طویل داستان ہے جس میں فتوحات کی شاندار یادیں بھی ہیں اور بدترین شکستوں کے کڑوے گھونٹ بھی۔ البتہ پاکستان نے سال کا اختتام جس طرح کیا ہے، اس سے نئی توقعات باندھی جا سکتی ہیں۔ کئی نوجوان کھلاڑیوں نے اس سال ملک کی نمائندگی کی اور صلاحیتوں او رکارکردگی کے ذریعے اپنی لوہا منوایا اور امید ہے کہ قومی کرکٹ ٹیم ان جوان کاندھوں پر کافی آگے تک جائے گی۔ [image: پاکستان رواں سال کوئی ٹیسٹ سیریز نہ جیت سکا، زمبابوے کے خلاف بھی نہیں (تصویر: AP)] پاکستان رواں سال کوئی ٹیسٹ سیریز نہ جیت سکا، زمبابوے کے خلاف بھی نہیں (تصویر: AP) اگر ہم پاکستان کرکٹ اور سال 2013ء کا جائزہ فارمیٹ کے اعتبار سے لیں تو تینوں کی کہانیاں الگ الگ نظر آتی ہیں۔ ٹیسٹ کے لحاظ سے یہ ایک انتہائی مایوس کن سال رہا جس pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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So long

From the blog zainubjaved It feels like I'm actually writing after ages. Medicine's gotten into my skin or what. I'll be back to poetry soon. Anyway. This post is an acknowledgement of some things. One year of Medicine has passed. It started a bit off. Way off; because I never wanted to be a doctor in the first place. My whines aside, this post is for all the people who made it bearable and eventually, fine for me. Who silently stood by my side no matter how hard I pushed people away. Services isn't bad. In fact, it is way above than what I'd hoped and made effort for. People ain't dry and obnoxious, after all. And so, my birthday locked a year. First and foremost, Anum and Rubab. Best people. For putting up with me. For not kicking me out. Heh. And for standing up and fighting for me. For providingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Sexy SMS

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Sexy SMS: A blog post from Lahore Girls at The largest Pakistani Models network of gossip and fun blogs for... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پی ٹی سی ایل تھری جی ایوو 3.1 پر ایک سال کے لیے 58 فیصد ڈسکاؤنٹ

From the blog itnama گو کہ پی ٹی سی ایل *ونگل* اور *ایوو کلاؤڈ* کی وجہ سے سب سے پہلے متعارف کروائی گئی تھری جی ایوو 3.1 کی مقبولیت کافی کم ہوگئی ہے لیکن کمپنی کی جانب سے وقتاً فوقتاً مختلف رعایتی آفرز کے ذریعے صارفین کو اسکی جانب راغب کرنے کا سلسلہ تاحال جاری ہے۔ [image: epic پی ٹی سی ایل تھری جی ایوو 3.1 پر ایک سال کے لیے 58 فیصد ڈسکاؤنٹ] گذشتہ روز پی ٹی سی ایل نے نئے سال کی مناسبت سے تھری جی ایوو 3.1 Mbps کے نئے صارفین کے لیے ایک رعایتی آفر پیش کی ہے، اس آفر کے تحت جو صارفین 24 دسمبر سے اگلے سال 3 جنوری کے دوران نئی ایوو ڈیوائس خریدیں گے انکا ماہانہ بل 1200 روپے کی بجائے صرف 500 روپے ہوگا۔ یاد رہے کہ یہ 58 فیصد ڈسکاؤٹ صرف ایک سال کے لیے ہی فراہم کیا جارہے اور سال 2015 کے آغاز پر انہیں پھر سے 1200 روپے ماہانہ ہی ادا کرنا ہونگے۔ اسکے علاوہ ڈسکاؤنٹ صرف ماہانہ چارجز پر ہے اور ڈیوائس خریدنے کے لیے آpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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دلِ من مُسافرِ من

From the blog ranaii-e-khayalدلِ من مُسافرِ من مرے دل، مرے مُسافر ہوا پھر سے حکم صادر کہ وطن بدر ہوں ہم تم دیں گلی گلی صدائیں کریں رُخ نگر نگر کا کہ سُراغ کوئی پائیں کسی یارِ نامہ بَر کا ہر اک اجنبی سے پوچھیں جو پتہ تھا اپنے گھر کا سرِ کوئے ناشنایاں ہمیں دن سے رات کرنا کبھی اِس سے بات کرنا کبھی اُس سے بات کرنا تمھیں کیا کہوں کہ کیا ہے شبِ غم بُری بَلا ہے ہمیں یہ بھی تھا غنیمت جو کوئی شمار ہوتا ہمیں کیا بُرا تھا مرنا اگر ایک بار ہوتا فیض احمد فیضؔ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Desi by Design

From the blog sonyarehman *By Sonya Rehman* This month, the Daachi Foundation – a not-for-profit initiative that aims at promoting the local arts and crafts – hosted a wonderful art exhibition at Lahore's glorious Tollington Market. [image: Inside the market. Photo: Sonya Rehman] Inside the market. Photo: Sonya Rehman On a nippy December day, the market was abuzz. Amidst stalls and tables, local Pakistani artisans had put up their beautiful wares for sale; everything from Swati furniture, ethnic ceramics, Sindhi tiles, pottery, one-off handmade jewelry pieces, bags, apparel, lamps, decoration pieces, truck art, and other wonderful, colorful goodies to decorate one's home with. Infact, to my surprise, I even bumped into Haji Sahib's son who was at the exhibition selling his father's truck art! (Haji Sahpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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اردو بلاگستان کا منفی رویہ

From the blog mbilalm [image: Negative Behaviour of Urdu Blogistan] یوں تو بلاگستان میں نوک جھوک چلتی رہتی، لیکن ایک دفعہ ایسا گھمسان کا رن پڑا کہ چھوٹی چھوٹی باتیں بڑھتی بڑھتی "جنگِ عظیم" کی صورت اختیار کر گئیں۔ اِدھر اُدھر سے امداد آنا شروع ہوئی۔ ساتھی بلاگرز اپنے دوستوں کی مدد کو پہنچے۔ پھر ایک دوسرے کے خلاف تحریر پر تحریر لکھی جانے لگی۔ مجھ جیسے کئی بلاگر نہ تماشائی بننا چاہتے تھے اور نہ ہی جنگ میں شریک ہونا چاہتے تھے۔ ایسی صورتِ حال میں کھلا محبت نامہ لکھ دیا۔ حالات اتنے کشیدہ ہو چکے تھے کہ ایک مہرباں نے میرے محبت نامے کے خلاف بھی ہتھیار اٹھا لیے اور اُس تحریر پر مجھے رگڑا لگا دیا۔ بہرحال میں اس پر خاموش ہی رہا۔ اس کے علاوہ بھی ماضی میں کئی دفعہ حالات خراب ہوتے اور ایک دوسرے کی تحریر کے جواب میں کھری کھری سنائی جاتیں۔ بہرحال یہ ماضی کے قصے ہیں۔ جب کئی اردو بلاگروں کو اس بات کا اندازہ ہی نہیں تpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ALAMGIR -Aamay Bhashaili Rey, Coke Studio Pakistan, Season 6

From the blog sarahinsouthkoreapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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The Pragmatic Liberal

From the blog pakteahouse [image: benazir-bhutto2] *Raza Habib Raja* This article tries to evaluate the politician Benazir Bhutto and the way she affected her party and the Pakistani political landscape. Since the article tries to adopt a CRITICAL approach therefore it points her weaknesses besides appreciating her strengths. Cult of personality which has become somewhat of a rarity in the West is an integral part of the political culture here. Such personality cults form around Political leaders, particularly famous ones, in our part of the world. Strong political leaders are not merely the reflection of the society but are often strong enough to affect it. Late Benazir Bhutto was one of such political personalities. Charismatic personalities are often riddled with contradictions and like all such pepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ملک کو اسلامی نظریہ سے علیحدہ کرنے کی سازش کا انکشاف

From the blog theajmals پاکستان کو اسلامی نظریہ سے علیحدہ کرنے کے لئے بابائے قوم محمد علی جناح کی جانب سے معاشرے کو مُلک کے نظریئے کے مطابق اسلامی بنانے کی خاطر تشکیل دیئے گئے محکمہ برائے اسلامی تنظیم نو (ڈپارٹمنٹ آف اسلامک ری کنسٹرکشن) کو بابائے قوم کے انتقال کے فوراً بعد بند اور اس کا ریکارڈ ضائع کردیا گیا تھا پنجاب کے سیکریٹری آرکائیوز نے دی نیوز کو بتایا ہے کہ پاکستان کے قیام کے بعد قائد اعظم نے اپنے پہلے ایگزیکٹو اقدام کے طور پر ڈپارٹمنٹ آف اسلامک ری کنسٹرکشن قائم کرنے کے لئے احکامات دیئے تھے جس کا واحد مقصد مُلک کی کمیونٹی کی اسلامی تعلیمات کے مطابق تنظیم نو کرنا تھا لیکن ان کے انتقال کے فوراً بعد ہی اس محکمہ کو بند کردیا گیا تھا۔ سیکریٹری آرکائیوز () اوریا مقبول جان نے کہا کہ وہ جلد ہی مُلک کی اعلیٰ قیادت کو پاکستان کے خلاف اس سنگین سازش سے آگاہ کریں گے سرکاری دستاویز میں اس محکمہ کے جو اغراض pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Chengdu Aircraft Industry designing more advanced J-10C fighter

From the blog military-photoshops - Staff Reporter - 2013-12-24 - 08:55 (GMT+8) [image: [IMG]] A J-10B prototype takes a test flight. (Internet photo) The J-10B — the upgrade version of China's J-10 fighter — recently entered service with the People's Liberation Army, with its designer Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group already developing the more advanced J-10C, reports the Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television. Equipped with an active electronically scanned array radar, Phoenix Television stated that the J-10B has the capability to take out Japan's F-15J fighters if an aerial confrontation were to occur over the disputed Diaoyutai islands (called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China) in the East China Sea. The fighter is also built with radar absorbent material and better diverterless supersonic inletpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog newsiPhone: Here are five features that still make the iPhone superior to the Android smart phone:, according to The Express Tribune. Aesthetically, Windows Vista was considered to be Microsofts most beautifully designed operating system . However, that was all that operating system had to offer aesthetics. People who had equipped their machines with powerful components and peripherals havepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Works of a Dear-One

From the blog artofdecorblogHello all! How are you this morning? I can't wait to share some wonderful photos with you today. Since 2014 is just around the corner so I thought maybe it will be good to share something different and interesting. Last month we made a trip to Islamabad to see family. A trip much awaited and […]pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bitcoin for Starters: A 21st Century Currency

From the blog propakistani Bitcoin is all the craze in the world right now. What is it, why has it gone on to become so popular in the last month alone and why should you pay attention? This is all what this post is about. Keep reading! The start of the currency Bitcoin, as you might've known, is the digital currency (or cryptocurrency) for the 21st century. It's nothing [...] The post Bitcoin for Starters: A 21st Century Currency appeared first on . pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Female Bloggers Meetup Lahore

From the blog amnachFemales are doing great in field of Technology. This is little initiative to invite females and learn from their experiences and discuss on various trends. Amazing opportunity to meet Female Bloggers, Web Designers, Web Developers,SEO's, Social Media Experts. All are invited to Join Informal MeetUP & Enjoy Coffee with Experts. Senior Female bloggers,SEO experts, IT experts will share their experience with beginners and will give startup tips and much more. Meet our Lahore based bloggers, seo's, Digital Marketers, put faces to blogs and catch up on the goings-on in the local blogosphere. Expert Speakers List will be uploaded soon !! *Cost: Pay your own cup of coffee :)* Interested can fill this form: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I'm back! - with the fun version of Absolute Verdict (2.0) :)

From the blog absoluteverdict I'm back! :) It's been over a year since I last posted here. Why? In a nutshell, it was because of the specific genre of this blog. Besides, all the posts previously written on this blog were extremely hard to write and took a lot of my time. I didn't feel motivated to write in my free time. *ABSOLUTE VERDICT 2.0* Over the past few months, I decided to alter the genre of the blog. Now I'll be writing about topics of my interest; sharing my knowledge and experience with everyone. The various topics on this blog will include fun topics such as photography tutorials, science & technology tidbits with occasional ventures into tennis, psychology life and so on. I like to think of this as The Absolute Verdict 2.0 :P So I'll be unpublishing most of the old posts and starting afresh topakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bhutto Say Intiqam by Rauf Klasra

From the blog columnpkLatest Article / Urdu Column of Rauf Klasra Published in Daily Dunya Newspaper Pakistan, 27 December 2013.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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پاک-لنکا سیریز کا سنسنی خیز اختتام، آخری مقابلہ سری لنکا کے نام

From the blog cricnama پاکستان اور سری لنکا کے درمیان ایک روزہ سیریز کا اختتام شایان شان انداز سے ہوا۔ جس طرح ابتدائی مقابلے اعصاب شکن مراحل میں داخل ہوئے بالکل ویسے ہی پانچواں مقابلہ بھی "آخری گولی اور آخری سپاہی" تک پہنچا اور سری لنکا نے دنیش چندیمال کے شاندار 64 اور اجنتھا مینڈس کے اختتامی لمحات میں کارآمد 19 رنز کی بدولت مقابلہ دو وکٹوں سے جیت لیا۔ یوں سیریز تو 3-2 سے پاکستان کے حق میں رہی لیکن سری لنکا 4-1 سے کی ہزیمت آمیز سے شکست سے بھی بچ گیا اور ٹیسٹ سیریز سے قبل کچھ اوسان بحال کرنے میں کامیاب ہوگیا۔ [image: کوشال پیریرا اور تلکارتنے دلشان کے 75 رنز کے آغاز سے سری لنکا کو فتح کی بنیاد فراہم کی (تصویر: AFP)] کوشال پیریرا اور تلکارتنے دلشان کے 75 رنز کے آغاز سے سری لنکا کو فتح کی بنیاد فراہم کی (تصویر: AFP) ابوظہبی کے شیخ زاید اسٹیڈیم میں ہونے والے پانچویں و آخری ون ڈے میں پاکستان کی جانب سے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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So long

From the blog zainubjaved It feels like I'm actually writing after ages. Medicine's gotten into my skin or what. I'll be back to poetry soon. Anyway. This post is an acknowledgement of some things. One year of Medicine has passed. It started a bit off. Way off; because I never wanted to be a doctor in the first place. My whines aside, this post is for all the people who made it bearable and eventually, fine for me. Who silently stood by my side no matter how hard I pushed people away. Services isn't bad. In fact, it is way above than what I'd hoped and made effort for. People ain't dry and obnoxious, after all. And so, my birthday locked a year. First and foremost, Anum and Rubab. Best people. For putting up with me. For not kicking me out. Heh. And for standing up and fighting for me. For providingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Writing Again on

From the blog waqasaday Remember that I used to write, sometime quite frequently. But it hasn't been happening for some time now. Part of that is because I am really busy at Hometown. Part of that is I have been lazy about, and was finding it difficult writing at personal level. Also (believe it or not) part of that is because I no longer like this platform as much. Everytime I or someone landed on my website. It would show you some really silly and unrelated Ads on my page. So I was looking into a new place for my writing. So my blog is moving to SVBTLE. It is a new kind of magazine platform and they are trying to make it easier for people to share and discover new ideas. Part of that includes helping writers (like me) with copy editing and fast-checking. I think I am gonna use them to improve my wrpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Chinese Aviation Industry Milestones In 2013 Review

From the blog asian-defenceIn the year 2013 many of China's new military aviation projects appeared, so it was very exciting for all the followers of the PLAAF . Although there weren't as many news coming out this year about J-20 and J-31 stealth fighters, many other projects really came out and took center stage. *Y-20* - Although we started see pictures of Y-20 performing low speed taxiing late last year, it did not make it's maiden flight until late January of this year. The second Y-20 prototype made its maiden flight very recently. It looks like this program is progressing well so far. PLAAF is desperate for something like Y-20 to not only do the role of strategic transport but also as the platform for next generation AWACS (and other C4ISR roles), large aerial tanker and airborne laser platform. It pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Get PTCL 3G Evo for Rs.500 per Month

From the blog pakistanhotlinePTCL has introduced New Year Offer of 58 percent discounts on monthly charges on new Evo devices for a whole year. Under this promotion, you can buy a new EVO device and enjoy a discounted rate of... For More Details, Please Visit: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Failed promises and decline of K-P

From the blog pakistannrectifiedguy[image: Failed promises and decline of K-P - Photo Courtesy: Sabir Nazar] Failed promises and decline of K-P – Photo Courtesy: Sabir Nazar *By Ammad Hafeez* After the general elections 2013, once again the political is ready for the upcoming local body polls in Pakistan. The political parties have started their cirque to attract the masses for the local government elections. Before May 11th election, the tall promises like Local body election in 90 days, reform in education and police system, equal health system for all, end of corruption and accountability of corrupt people, were made by Khan. However many of these issues come under provincial government but we haven't seen anything done by PTI government in K-P. Pakistan's self-assumed revolutionary political party, Tehreek-e-pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog newsApple: The Fair Trade Commission said an Apple unit in charge of Taiwan sales had interfered in the pricing and mobile phone payment rates of three local telecom service providers, despite selling them the distribution rights to the phones, according to The Frontier Post. "Apple deprived the telecom operators of liberty to decide on the prices based on their own cost structures andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How To Answer Interview Question - Can We Offer You A Career Path?

From the blog yourcareerlionYour each job determines your next career move that is why I always suggest my clients that choose a job which will be beneficial for your career in long term. Some jobs do look good, having attractive compensation package but it may stuck you at your career path so, always avoid career mistakesand choose a job which have career development potential Here the questions is, how can you analyze the future of any job? but in actual job analysis is not so difficult, You do this analysis by different means. - From job advertisement - By gathering information about company - During interview. For best analysis you should use all three means but as far as my recommendation is, interview is the best source of judging any job's future. Most of people think only an interviewer cpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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I am a Muslim that Celebrates Christmas – And You Should Too

From the blog pakistanisforpeace By Jibran Nasir for The Express Tribune [image: Muslim Christmas] *I plan to take my family out for dinner. I may call it a Christmas dinner and I don't think there is anything wrong in calling it that.* As Pakistanis, I think it is a great coincidence and blessing that today is also the birthday of our founder, Quaid-e-Azam, whose message wasn't far off from what Jesus Christ taught us. Not only is there a religious connotation but a national association to this day for us to be united as one, spread the love and share the blessings with those less privileged. Before anyone takes objection to the term "Jesus Christ" please note that there is also nothing unIslamic in calling him Jesus Christ as a Muslim. Here is a little page out of history that can help those confused about pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"خورشید ندیم کا کالم"

From the blog universe-zeeno*منجانب فکرستان * ٭۔۔۔۔۔ ٭۔۔۔۔۔٭ نوٹ: درج بالا خیالات سے اختلاف/ اتفاق کرنا: ہر پڑھنے والے کا حق ہے pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Business by Javed Chaudhry

From the blog columnpkLatest Article / Urdu Column of Javed Chaudhry Published in Daily Express Newspaper Pakistan, 26 December 2013.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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سنسنی خیز لو-اسکورنگ مقابلہ، سیمی کی بدولت ویسٹ انڈیز کامیاب

From the blog cricnama ٹیسٹ سیریز میں بری طرح زیر ہونے کے بعد جیسے ہی مقابلہ طویل سے محدود اوورز کی کرکٹ تک پہنچا، منظرنامہ ہی بدل گیا۔ ویسٹ انڈیز نے آکلینڈ میں ہونے والے پہلے ون ڈے میں سنسنی خیز مقابلے کے بعد نیوزی لینڈ کو دو وکٹوں سے شکست دے دی۔ [image: دونوں ٹیمیں آکلینڈ کے چھوٹے سے میدان میں بھی رنز نہ بنا سکیں اور مقابلہ سنسنی خیز مرحلے کے بعد ویسٹ انڈیز کی صرف 2 وکٹوں سے فتح پر منتج ہوا (تصویر: Getty Images)] دونوں ٹیمیں آکلینڈ کے چھوٹے سے میدان میں بھی رنز نہ بنا سکیں اور مقابلہ سنسنی خیز مرحلے کے بعد ویسٹ انڈیز کی صرف 2 وکٹوں سے فتح پر منتج ہوا (تصویر: Getty Images) ایڈن، پارک آکلینڈ کے چھوٹے سے میدان میں بھی یہ مقابلہ انتہائی 'لو-اسکورنگ' ثابت ہوا جہاں نیوزی لینڈ ویسٹ انڈیز کی دعوت پر پہلے بلے بازی کرتے ہوئے محض 156 رنز پر ڈھیر ہوا۔ اس ناقص کارکردگی کا سبب بلے بازوں بالخصوص ٹاپ آرڈر کی ناpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How Beyoncé Changes Ordinary Lives

From the blog writes2escape You guys know Beyoncé, right? AKA the 'unofficial' queen of the universe. She dropped an album right out of the blue and the universe suddenly exploded (To achieve this level of secrecy, she probably shackled her team to the dungeons or wherever and they haven't seen their families in months) Right now she has so much power that if you blinked while watching this GIF, you'd probably get pregnant. [image: QUEENQUEENQUEEN] QUEENQUEENQUEEN Anyway, now people around me make her references. *Friend: *So he [this guy who's high like 150% of the time] is like trying to clean up his act, get a job cetera. *Me [dead pan]:* Christmas Miracle! Oh My God. I can see the future and it is…NOT HAPPENING. *Friend:* No. He's really serious about it. See, have you heard 'Halo' by Beyopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Da Talibano Plaar

From the blog pkhope If the terrorists in our tribal region fear anything, its the drones. So much so is the fear of this great technology among the terrorists, that the local tribal people call drones as 'Da Talibano Plaar', which translated to 'Father of Taliban' in English. This perfectly describes the validity, clout, impact, and utility of the drones. Jamat-e-Islami and PTI won't tell you this, but the fact is that the local population of tribal areas is very satisfied with the drone attacks, though they don't say that in public or to the media. The reality is that the drones have made Taliban terrorists neurotic and psychotic. They are now on constant run, and have gone crazy as they know that drone could hit them anywhere anytime, no matter where they are. Whenever a drone strikes, it is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Peshawar Wife Removing clothes!!

From the blog pakistanimodelsSee pictures and read all about Peshawar Wife Removing clothes!!: A blog post from Pakistan Sex Blog at The largest... To see pictures, click the headline above.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Thing of Beauty is an Obsession Forever

From the blog habloid One of most revered comedy series these days is undoubtedly *Quddusi Sahab ki Bewah*. The mass following of the serial might be attributed to actress Hina Dilpazeer, who for sure is a conspicuous name in comedy-and surely not without reason. Desolately though the underlying theme of this particular drama embodies the deepest of human bias, naked prejudice and ardent assertion of objectifying human looks in purest (and shallowest) physical terms. The daughter of the central character is unmarried and conventionally "ugly". She is aged, fat, wheatish as opposed to traditionally worshiped young, slender and fair. And yes she is stupid, just like most of our local media associates such physical traits with dimwits. She fancies young handsome men and is shown day dreaming of princpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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ہند کی ذاتیں اور پاک قوم

From the blog khawarkingاگرچہ کہ پرانوں میں لکھا ہے کہ وہ بندہ جو دھرم بھاؤ والا ہو ، جس کے کھانے پینے اور پہننے میں اصول اور ضوابط ہوں ، جو پربو ( خدا) کی عبادت میں مگن رہتا ہو ، اس کو معاشرے کا معزز ترین بندہ تسلیم کیا جانا چاہئے ۔ اس کو برہمن کا نام دیا گیا ۔ وہ جو اپنے جان کی بازی لگا کر وطن کی ،دھرتی ماں کی حفاظت کرتا ہے ، اگرچہ کہ اس کے قول میں کبھی جھوٹ بھی شامل ہوتا ہے اور کھانے میں نشے کی بھی احتیاط نہیں کرتا ، اس کو معاشرے میں دوسرا درجہ دیا جائے گا ۔ اور اس کو کشھتری کہیں گے۔ اسی طرح دوسری جاتیوں کا کا انتطام ہے کہ ان کی بھی ڈیفینیشنز بنائی گئیں ۔ تیسری کاسٹ "ویش " کی ڈیفینیشنز ہیں کہ وہ لوگ جو سیکھے ہوئے کام کرتے ہیں اور اپنے اولادوں کو بھی سکھاتے ہیں ۔ یعنی کہ سیکھے اور سکھائے ہوئے کام کرنے والے لوگ ۔ کمہار ، جولاہے ، ترکھان لہار وغیرہ ، ۔ لیکن وقت گزرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ جیسا کہ مذاہب کے ساpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Nokia Pakistan Being Cheap

From the blog telecompk We know that there have been a lot of rivalries in the Mobile industry lately. Apple & Samsung have had their shots at each other in their own Advertisements. Nokia Lumia Global also launched an Advertisement that was targeted at Apple & Samsung users (below). In all those rivalries, what we had was competition and competitiveness. What we didn't have was indecency or vulgarity, until yesterday. Someone at Nokia Pakistan thought that it would be real funny if they compared other brands such as HTC, Sony, Apple or Samsung to Sh*t. The disgusting image they uploaded can be seen here. As soon as they realized this was not a very clever idea, they took the photo off Nokia Pakistan account and said that it was work of some non-representative. [image: nokia-pakistan-being-cheap_2] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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قائد اعظم پر تہمت

From the blog theajmals آج 25 دسمبر ہے ۔ اس دن معمارِ پاکستان قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح آج سے 137 سال قبل کراچی میں پیدا ہوئے تھے ۔ گو اس موضوع پر میں بہت پہلے بھی لکھ چکا لیکن آج خیال آیا کہ قائد اعظم کے اس خطاب کے اس حصہ کی مزید وضاحت کی جائے جسے بنیاد بنا کر اپنے آپ کو روشن خیال اور عالِم سمجھنے والے کچھ لوگ عرصہ ایک دہائی سے قائد اعظم پر تہمت لگاتے ہیں کہ اُنہوں نے پاکستان کو ایک لادینی (Secular) ریاست بنایا تھا کسی نے صرف دس جماعتیں ہی پڑھی ہیں تو یہ کہانی ضرور پڑھی یا سُنی ہو گی کہ کسی زمانہ میں بندرگاہ پر تعینات ایک اہلکار رشوت لئے بغیر کسی جہاز کو لنگر انداز نہیں ہونے دیتا تھا ۔ ایک جہاز کے کپتان نے انکار کیا اور اپنا اہلکارا بادشاہ کے پاس بھیج دیا ۔ بادشاہ نے لکھ کر دیا " روکو مت آنے دو "۔ اُس اہلکار نے پڑھا تو کہنے لگا " دیکھو ۔ لکھا ہے روکو ۔ مت آنے دو"۔اِن پڑھے لکھے روشن خیال ہموطنوں کا اسpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Veen Malik got married with Asad Bashir Khan - Photos

From the blog pakistanhotlineVeena Malik, a Pakistani actress mostly known for her controversial news, has reportedly got married with a businessman Asad Bashir Khan Khattak in Dubai. Asad Bashir Khan is reportedly the son of a... For More Details, Please Visit: pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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what i feel i design

From the blog 3yesha What i feel i designed My designing is a Reflection of my thoughts my thoughts my emotions and my feelings emerged in my designs pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Mobilink established Sales Office and Customer Care Center in Muzzafarabad, AJK

From the blog telecomnewspk Mobilink has established a new state of the art Sales Office and Customer Care Center in Muzzafarabad, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) which will provide Mobilink customers with an enhanced customer experience. The office will facilitate 8 franchisees and 3,500 retailers to provide voice, data and mobile financial services support to the customers. The office will cater to the needs of the 10 districts of AJK to establish a stronger footprint of Mobilink's presence in the region. [image: Mobilink Sales Office Muzzafarabad AJK - Kashmir] Mobilink office was formally inaugurated at an in-house ribbon cutting ceremony earlier today. The inauguration was later announced in a press conference with the local media fraternity of Muzzafarabad which was chaired by the Honorable President pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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CleverSilver's Sterling Silver Pendant Western

From the blog kashankhan[image: CleverSilver's Sterling Silver Pendant Western]Made to order this item is beautifully crafted. CleverSilver's sterling silver jewelry is created in house. Our sterling silver is of the finest quality, this piece is 925 sterling silver.pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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"life hoppers"

From the blog dannish-dannishEveryone love life though for some living life is both an art and science. Some people love to live and others are living to die as everyone does. Then there are the life hoppers. He was admitted again, as I saw his name on the chart. I knew him from his last admission and other admissions over the years. Every time it looked as that was his last time there in hospital but every time he made it back to life. He was just not ready to hopp off life.. What is that which makes some people like him to stay back despite of all odds. He had End stage renal disease and was on dialysis, heart blocks and got pacemaker, he got stomach bleed and it was managed, he got pneumonia and other infections, and he survived. He was an ordinary man but I saw his survival journey through medical and spakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog awaisaftab"Pragmatism is a matter of human needs; and one of the first of human needs is to be something more than a pragmatist." *G. K. Chesterton*, *Orthodoxy* pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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A Pakistan views a Pakistan

From the blog NotesFromPakistanSee how a Pakistan views a Pakistan: [Dawn, December 24, 2013] pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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From the blog khadijasayshi Have you ever seen such an amazingly cool founder, like ever??? No, you haven't. I know you haven't. Introducing, my main man, Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Founder of Pakistan, the man who created a new country on the face of this earth. How cool is that? Answer: Very very cool! Today is Mr. Jinnah's 137th Birthday! Whoa. Happy Birthday dearest Quaid! We may not act like it, we may not show it, but we really do love you, and we really are grateful for what you did. Let's talk about this legendary man for a sec, okay? So he was born on the 25th of December, which is why we're celebrating his birthday today. Mr. Jinnah was a barrister, and he studied from Lincoln's Inn, London. Initially, he was a member of the Indian National Congress, and opposed the two nation theory pupakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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China Mobile

From the blog newsChina Mobile: ISLAMABAD APP : After long anticipation, Apple and China Mobile announced on Monday that they have inked an agreement to bring iPhones to the world's largest mobile network. "iPhones have appealed to worldwide users. China Mobile's massive customer group and potential customers are anxiously awaiting the incredible combination of iPhone and our leading network," said Xi Guohua,pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Standard Chartered Bank (Clifton 3), Ahmad School (Johar Town), Malikabad Shopping Centre and more in Paktive Magazine's latest issue! (#251213)

From the blog paktiveWelcome to the latest edition of Paktive Magazine! (Edition # 241213) In this issue: What's up in Paktive's Karachi - Standard Chartered Bank (Clifton 3) - A Bank (Branch) in Karachi. - Indulge - A Restaurant (Cafe / Dessert) in Karachi. - Monthly Dosheeza - A Business (Corporate) in Karachi. - NED Cricket Ground - A Park (Stadium / Gound) in Karachi. - Nida Fast Food (North Nazimabad A) - A Restaurant (Fast Food) in Karachi. What's hot in Paktive's Lahore - Ahmad School (Johar Town) - A Service (Educational / Institutional / Govt) in Lahore. - Ghazi Fabrics International Ltd - A Business (Corporate) in Lahore. - Unique School - A Service (Educational / Institutional / Govt) in Lahore. - Hi Speed - A Business (Retail / Sales / Service) in Lapakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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How Beyoncé Changes Ordinary Lives

From the blog writes2escape You guys know Beyoncé, right? AKA the 'unofficial' queen of the universe. She dropped an album right out of the blue and the universe suddenly exploded (To achieve this level of secrecy, she probably shackled her team to the dungeons or wherever and they haven't seen their families in months) Right now she has so much power that if you blinked while watching this GIF, you'd probably get pregnant. [image: QUEENQUEENQUEEN] QUEENQUEENQUEEN Anyway, now people around me make her references. *Friend: *So he [this guy who's high like 150% of the time] is like trying to clean up his act, get a job cetera. *Me [dead pan]:* Christmas Miracle! Oh My God. I can see the future and it is…NOT HAPPENING. *Friend:* No. He's really serious about it. See, have you heard 'Halo' by Beyopakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Da Talibano Plaar

From the blog pkhope If the terrorists in our tribal region fear anything, its the drones. So much so is the fear of this great technology among the terrorists, that the local tribal people call drones as 'Da Talibano Plaar', which translated to 'Father of Taliban' in English. This perfectly describes the validity, clout, impact, and utility of the drones. Jamat-e-Islami and PTI won't tell you this, but the fact is that the local population of tribal areas is very satisfied with the drone attacks, though they don't say that in public or to the media. The reality is that the drones have made Taliban terrorists neurotic and psychotic. They are now on constant run, and have gone crazy as they know that drone could hit them anywhere anytime, no matter where they are. Whenever a drone strikes, it is pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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