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So long

From the Blog zainubjaved It feels like I'm actually writing after ages. Medicine's gotten into my skin or what. I'll be back to poetry soon. Anyway. This post is an acknowledgement of some things. One year of Medicine has passed. It started a bit off. Way off; because I never wanted to be a doctor in the first place. My whines aside, this post is for all the people who made it bearable and eventually, fine for me. Who silently stood by my side no matter how hard I pushed people away. Services isn't bad. In fact, it is way above than what I'd hoped and made effort for. People ain't dry and obnoxious, after all. And so, my birthday locked a year. First and foremost, Anum and Rubab. Best people. For putting up with me. For not kicking me out. Heh. And for standing up and fighting for me. For providingpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6774287035562798859 Pakistani Blog Posts


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