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Microsoft's Tests 4-Day Work Week, Proves Less Working Days Increase Productivity

From the Blog propakistani *Has Microsoft found the ultimate solution to increase the productivity of employees?* Microsoft's project 'Work-Life Choice Challenge' on work-life balance and its effects on productivity and creativity have yielded interesting results. The Japan subsidiary for the tech giant opened for four days every week in August, yielding higher productivity than in the same month last year. The experiment revealed a 40% increase in productivity by working 4 days a week instead of 5, with more flexible working hours instead of the traditional 9-5 routine. In the 4-day workweek summer project, the company encouraged remote communication and implemented reduced meeting minutes to 30, which benefitted both the employees and the company. The experiment also led to a 23.1% decrease in electpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

آج کی بات ۔۔۔ 05 نومبر 2019

From the Blog seems77 〖 آج کی بات 〗 ہم نے یہ نہیں پوچھنا کہ اُس نے ایسے کیوں کیا ۔۔۔؟ بلکہ ہمیں تیاری کرنا ہے کہ ۔۔۔۔ ہم سے پوچھا جانے والا ہے کہ ہم نے ایسا کیوں کیا ۔۔۔؟ واصف علی واصف تبصرہ کرکے اپنی رائے کا اظہار کریں۔۔ شکریہ pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 8742093034558039892 Pakistani Blog Posts


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