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The greatest tragedy of the information age

From the blog cybegeekYou just sit there numb, aware of injustice, of persecution, of tyranny around the world but you can't actually do anything about it, yes you show your condemnation and Change your DPs but whats next? Social media has made us insensitive we struggle with this every moment. Look at any social media timeline you see selective outrage selective apathy, and then it's gone trivializing real issues. Our minds cope with all of it by forgetting sooner than it should, even APC could not remain in minds for long, and here we are again feeding and regurgitating but forgetting, the moment its out of sight. This is the greatest tragedy of this age. We are all the culprits and the victims of this at the same time. We struggle with this everyday to feel powerless to stop any injustice near orpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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