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Zong Achieves 1Gbps Speed on its 5G Network in Pakistan [Speedtest Video]

From the blog propakistani Zong today showcased its 5G network to the world at an event that was attended by Mr. Shoaib Ahmed Siddiqui, Secretary Information Technology and Telecommunication division, Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Amir Azeem Bajwa, Chairman PTA and Dr. Wang Zhihua, Economic & Commercial Counselor, Chinese Embassy, along with dignitaries from various government entities, telecom industry and the corporate sector. Zong was allowed to conduct 5G tests after a green signal from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, in an arrangement where company can test its 5G network readiness within limited geographical limits. If you are wondering, commercial trials aren't allowed for now and hence usual customers won't be able to see or test Zong's 5G network. Not to mention, you have to have a 5G enabled handsetpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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