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Post # 22 - giving up, starting over

From the Blog beanbagtalesThe struggle is real. This year I had decided to make some changes. You've heard this before but I'm going to put it out there AGAIN. I've taken some steps towards change but I still feel that I need to do more. One of the things I've done, which I never did ever, is to read some good self-help books. The one I'm reading currently is Brene' Brown's *Rising Strong* and if you're wondering why I'm taking SO long to read it (since I mentioned it *here* on the blog way back in March) - it's because I'm afraid. At the end of each chapter there is a bit of a summary which not only helps to outline the chapter but also makes one think of how it all applies to their life. When I finished the first few chapters, I sat down and went through the 'Owning the Story' exercise. Apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 5715131970023272622 Pakistani Blog Posts


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