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From the Blog faizansworld Ever since the dawn of humankind, we have battled against the time to preserve the same old melody: life. This life has become ever more interesting since acquiring consciousness and self-awareness. Then who would have thought that features like conscience and ability to tell the story could also join along the way? From the beginning till the end, our kind appears to be a form of one glorious book where each era has its own chapter. Among these chapters, I feel like a mere dot in the sentence or something even lesser than that, an empty space between two words. But if we zoom in ever so closely, maybe there is a world hidden unto it. The more I ponder upon my early days the more it becomes clear that having spent those years between the desert and the city of silence, like thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 282793232693062221 Pakistani Blog Posts


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