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From the Blog ashrafiya *Sayyidi* *wa sanadi* Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani ( Allah preserve & protect him) was on the phone. It seemed that someone wanted to narrate a dream and request for interpretation. Shaykh excused himself saying: "Brother! I don't know interpretation of dreams!" Intekhab e Kaiseri, Ramadan 1440, DarulUloom Karachi office , post zohar majlis pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

The rich history of South Asia is the history of Pakistan too

From the Blog pakteahouse The rich history of South Asia is the history of Pakistan too. Renaming areas of Lahore with Muslim names encourages supremacy of the majority faith and is a deliberate attempt to erase our diverse heritage. The post The rich history of South Asia is the history of Pakistan too appeared first on Pak Tea House. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7196628586271531721 Pakistani Blog Posts


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