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Remedy for Sins of eyesight

From the Blog ashrafiya Replying to a letter from a seeker, *sayyidi wa sanadi* Mufti Mohammed Taqi Usmani (Allah protect & preserve him) commented: "This person was involved in sins of the eyes. A solution was given which Alhamdulillah proved effective. He read the words of a pious elder to whom people complained: "Sir, immodesty has become widespread nowadays." The pious elder replied: "Where is it? I haven't noticed any immodesty. When I'm walk in the streets, my gaze does not shift from the path I'm walking on." Sayyidi continued: "This person got Tawfeeq to act on this advice. He was also involved in seeing immodest content on his smart phone. He was told to remove the means of this sin if he was not able to control himself otherwise. He removed Wifi from his home to avoid this sin. Spiritual spakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7327284688591611365 Pakistani Blog Posts


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