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Post # 15 - So, what do you do?

From the Blog beanbagtales I hate this question. I've always hated this question. Its prequel is the question we're asked during childhood and our teens - so what do you want to be when you grow up? I hated this question too. I realised, soon, that whatever I'll say won't be the right answer. No matter what I decide to become, everyone will have an opinion on it and growing up I found it very difficult to find support for pursuing a career in fashion photography and journalism. Anyways let's fast forward to the present. Going to new places and meeting strangers makes me anxious because at some point, this question always comes up. Almost everyone expects you to state your profession and it can become a bit tricky when you don't have one. I've had this problem time and again. I feel a knot in my stomach pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2318420996474443821 Pakistani Blog Posts


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