Post # 7 - A Homage to books and those who helped me discover them
From the Blog beanbagtalesToday is celebrated as World Book Day in some countries. A day we celebrate books and the joy they bring in our lives. I, for one, have always enjoyed books. I was into reading from a very young age. As a four year old I carried around a dark blue Saudi airline bag in which were my most treasured possessions - paper, pencil and books. Not much has changed in 34 years. Except the bag, thankfully! Reading is one thing which has remained a constant in my life. While growing up we didn't have a lot of money to go into a bookstore and walk out with an armful of books. We were only allowed to buy one or, maximum, two books in six months. Usually our books were passed down to us by older cousins and uncles. I vividly recall how once, on my birthday, my father bought me two Nancy Drew npakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full Post
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