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OIC shows true face of India

From the Blog firewithin-jhb The post Pulwama attack saw Indian rhetoric of blaming Pakistan within minutes of the suicide attack and has since has been hellbent to bring harm to Pakistan to 'avenge' the death of almost four dozen soldiers. And this was followed by a cowardly act of intrusion of Pakistan air space with its state of the art Mirage-2000 aircraft and alleging to have killed more than 350 terrorist in a camp that was targeted. But it did not have photos of 350 dead to show it to the world for it was blatant lie to fool the world. However, the very next day, Pakistan responded and shot down two Indian air force jets and capturing one of its pilots alive. It was magnanimity on the part of the Imran Khan, the Pakistan's prime minister to have released the pilot purely on humanitarian grounds anpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 4825195469635867791 Pakistani Blog Posts


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