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PTCL Celebrates Pakistan Day with Zeal & Fervor Countrywide

From the Blog propakistani Pakistan Telecommunication Limited Company (PTCL), celebrates the 79th National Day of Pakistan under the theme 'Mein Hon PTCL, Mein Hon Pakistan', with zeal and fervor across Pakistan. Customized photo booths that represent the diverse culture and heritage of Pakistan are installed at the HQ and regional offices countrywide for the entire month of March. PTCL executives, senior management, along with employees and staff re-lived history by taking pictures and videos for a montage. On the occasion, Syed Mazhar Hussain, Chief Human Resource Officer, PTCL, said, PTCL, being a national company, always celebrates Pakistan Day with great passion and enthusiasm. Keeping the spirit alive this year, the entire PTCL family participated in different activities and campaigns to show sopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1112317727462687494 Pakistani Blog Posts


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