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Visit by Resident Representative of the IMF to the Lahore School of Economics

From the Blog lahoreschoolofeconomics Ms. Teresa Daban Sanchez, Resident Representative of IMF to Pakistan visited the Lahore School of Economics on Tuesday on the 19th of March, 2019. Ms. Sanchez was hosted by Dr. Azam Chaudhry (Dean, Faculty of Economics), Dr. Naved Hamid (Director, Centre for Research in Economics and Business), Dr. Moazam Mahmood (Professor, Faculty of Economics), Dr. Theresa Chaudhry, Dr. Munir Ahmad, Dr. Rana Wajid and other senior faculty members. The Lahore School faculty briefed Ms. Sanchez on the research being conducted at the Lahore School including the work being done on innovation, macroeconomic modelling, microfinance, education and behavioral economics. The faculty also discussed the current macroeconomic situation prevailing in Pakistan and gave their recommendations for potentialpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

"Two years of challenging & rewarding experience" Raza Rumi says while leaving Daily Times

From the Blog razarumi Senior and well known journalist and analyst Raza Rumi has resigned from his editorship in Daily Times. He announced his resignation on Facebook with good words. "My editorship at Daily Times ended last week. Two years of challenging & rewarding experience. Professionally satisfied that I contributed to the revival of the paper. In 25 months,... Read More The post "Two years of challenging & rewarding experience" Raza Rumi says while leaving Daily Times appeared first on Jahane Rumi. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1181681762905081382 Pakistani Blog Posts


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