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Small or Big ?

From the Blog iabhopal Smaller Things Hurt, Not The Big Ones Smaller things often hurt more in life than bigger ones You can sit on the top of a mountain without any pain, but not on the tip of a needle. pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Abdul Sattar Edhi's Mission Must Be Kept Alive. Support Edhi Foundation.

From the Blog pakteahouse Edhi Foundation is the largest philanthropy network of Pakistan. It was established by Abdul Sattar Edhi in 1947. Over time it grew with public support and the inability of the state to provide critical services. Now the foundation runs a large fleet of 1800 private ambulances; and manages 28 rescue boats, 2 airplanes & a 24-hour hotline. There are 330 Edhi centres across Pakistan To reduce female infanticide, a cradle has been placed outside every centre. Unwanted babies are left in these cradles. 50,000 such babies have grown up in Edhi orphanages. Many families adopt these children. Abdul Sattar Edhi died on June 8, 2016. Since then the foundation's donations reportedly declined. Faisal Edhi, the current head of the Edhi Foundation in this video interview said, that "the donpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 3374267914746488809 Pakistani Blog Posts


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