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JazzCash Partners with Punjab Govt to Digitize Agriculture Payments

From the Blog propakistani JazzCash nd the Agriculture Department of the Government of Punjab have recently partnered up in an effort to digitize the disbursement of subsidy payments to farmers where JazzCash will provide disbursement services to Punjab Agriculture Department, Government of Punjab. Agriculture sector contributes around 24% to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country and accounts for half of the employed labor force. For this reason, the Punjab Agriculture Department has incentivized the farmers in the province in an effort to uplift production and productivity of key crops and has decided to financially support the cost of producing the crops. Aamer Ejaz, Chief Digital Officer at Jazz stated: There is no doubt that we are working hard to bridge the banking divide by turning thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

Bless you, wild/torn heart

From the Blog randomlyabstractI never told you and never heard it. But when morning sun rises its especially assigned metaphor does too. Bless hope. Burn hope. I never told you but I wonder if you kind of knew. You know, kind of. And wonder is the keyword. Because what else are we capable of? Oh existential dread. I … Continue reading Bless you, wild/torn heartpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 6319821930348823821 Pakistani Blog Posts


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