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Post # 8 - embracing vulnerability, finding courage

From the Blog beanbagtalesIf you're familiar with my blogs or know me in person, you'll know that I've always struggled with my writing. The problem was not with the stories or essays I wanted to write. The problem was my approach to it. Whenever I sat down to write, before putting down even one word on the blank screen or paper, I'd build a fort around me. A fort with strong walls and a moat with blood thirsty alligators. The purpose of this fort was to ensure that my vulnerability remained behind walls and did not creep into my words. The more I stayed away from writing, the stronger this fort became. And I never tried to destroy it because I was afraid. There was this deep rooted fear inside me of what might happen if I let my vulnerability leave the fort. This fear has not come overnight but has devepakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 1544623233711822620 Pakistani Blog Posts


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