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Indian Analyst Bharat Karnad to Modi: Use TTP Terrorists to Attack Pakistan

From the Blog riazhaqWith the home-grown resistance of a new generation of Kashmiris against India's brutal military occupation turning into a full-blown insurgency, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's right-wing Hindu Nationalist government is trying desperately to divert attention from its human rights abuses by blaming Pakistan for Pulwama attack. Mr. Modi and his ministers are making war threats to "punish" Pakistan for Pulwama attack carried out by a local Kashmiri young man using explosives obtained locally. How will Mr. Modi "punish" Pakistan? Will India launch a full-frontal attack? Or do another "surgical strike" that Pakistan can deny? Or opt for covert warfare using its terrorist proxies? Bharat KarnadIn a recently published Bloomberg Quint Op Ed on Pulwama attack in Indian Occupied Kaspakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2999894994560210736 Pakistani Blog Posts


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