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Details of Over 69,000 Pakistani Bank Cards Worth $3.5 Million Leaked: Report

From the Blog propakistani Group-IB, an international company that specializes in preventing cyberattacks, has discovered new databases with a total of 69,189 Pakistani bank cards that have shown up for sale on the dark web. The total market value of the databases is estimated at nearly $3.5 million. According to Group-IB data, it is the second biggest sale of Pakistani bank cards in the past 6 months, which may indicate the activity of advanced financially motivated threat actors in the region. 96% of all card dumps, unauthorized digital copies of the information contained in the magnetic stripe of a payment card, were related to a single bank – Meezan Bank Ltd. However, a Meezan Bank spokesperson said that following the last hack, which took place 6 months ago, the Bank had asked its customers to chanpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 758296128655987631 Pakistani Blog Posts


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