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The Royal Visit

From the Blog snowysensation Oh my! From where should I start? There are soon many thoughts in my mind right now that I don't think I'll be able to organize them on paper (digital paper that is)! Anyway, the whole affair, is given soo much attention, so much details that it makes one think if the whole thing is actually real? I mean how can one go out of his means and back on his words and everything that he stands for just because a royal person is coming. Maybe, it is all because money makes the world go round! Anyway, when the royal plane entered the Pakistani airspace, the PAF's F-16 fighter pilots gave it a royal protocol, I am sure that a country whose whole economy is drowned and is in jeopardy, could have afforded it. The whole of Capital was shut down, I am sure we are a nation that could have apakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 2045306046689602027 Pakistani Blog Posts


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