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Feeling suicidal.

From the Blog furreekattThis post isn't a call for help. It's just something I need to put out into the world because it's more than my head can take right now. The first time I felt suicidal was at age 19. I will be 25 next month - so it's been almost 6 years of having suicidal thoughts at least once a day. I have attempted to kill myself on two occasions. Honestly - I'm actually proud of how much self control I've had. 2190 days, only 2 days where it's been unbearable. I'm generally a very private person, and I haven't shared my thoughts on this subject with many people. For one, it doesn't really come up in conversation. I don't think it's a necessary topic for me to discuss. I have shared bits and pieces with people that I think are really important to me - my parents, my brother, my boyfriend, andpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 280671841470085357 Pakistani Blog Posts


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