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Do you know—–?

From the Blog tanveerrauf [image: Image result for images of a broken heart lover] Do you know—–? The soft warm touch of Your half-finished love The lines on my palm disrupt, quivering on my palms Even today; Silently then whisper to me, Half finished, love, partial dreams and Uncompleted delights are The spheres of agony Around which bodies get sapped Moving around them Do you know why? It's in their fate to do so …… pakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments

best of both worlds: money and health

From the Blog dannish-dannishHe was suffering from physical ailments but his mind was strong and sharp. He was a successful man from any worldly calculations. He was powerful with his money but weak in health, now he was dying. As I started to know him with his care, I found him interesting as he never complained about why him, why this or that of getting sick. He was kind and humble. His lungs were failing him with interstitial lung disease so was his heart from right heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. He was a good man with a good heart as one of staff member announced one day, and he smiled with a negative nod, which made all of us laugh. We all feel for his struggles of catching breath to talk, to breath, to eat and to sleep. He was dying and his oxygen saturation drift even if the wind blows inpakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 319452251600433715 Pakistani Blog Posts


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