Pakistan Media Industry Shakeout Underway
From the blog riazhaqPakistan's 88 billion rupee media industry is in the midst of a major shakeout after a long period of rapid double-digit growth since the turn of the century. Hundreds of journalists and other staff have lost their jobs. At least one TV channel, Waqt News, has closed while several others are downsizing. While such consolidation was long overdue after nearly two-decade long period of explosive growth, the PTI government's decision to reduce advertising budget, which constitutes nearly a quarter of all ad spending in the country, appears to be the main trigger. Those affected by consolidation are accusing the government of exercising press censorship by cutting its ad spending. Pakistan Ad Spending. Source: Aurora/Dawn *Rapid Growth:* Rising buying power of rapidly expanding middlpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post
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