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Pakistan Among Top 10 Countries With Fastest Growing Ultra-Rich Population

From the Blog riazhaqPakistan is among the countries with top 10 fastest growing population of ultra-high net-worth (UHNW) individuals over the last 5 years. Bangladesh with 17.3% UHNW growth tops the list followed by China (13.4%), Vietnam (12.7%), Kenya (11.7%), India (10.7%), Hong Kong (9.3%), Ireland (9.1%), Israel (8.6%), Pakistan (8.4%) and United States (8.1%), according to World Ultra Wealth Report 2018. Ultra-Rich Wealth Growth in 5 Years. Source: Wealth-X *Ultra-Rich Definition: * The report compiled by Wealth-X defines ultra-high net-worth (UHNW) as an exclusive group of wealthy individuals located across the globe, each with a net worth of $30m or more. Only the top 1.1% of the world's 22.25 million millionaires qualify for inclusion in UHNW group. Here's an excerpt of the Wealth-X repopakistanblogs.blogspot.comRead Full PostComments 7160622964681107956 Pakistani Blog Posts


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