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Grief of a grain picking bird,

From the blog tanveerrauf [image: Related image] Grief of a grain picking bird, O Bird! Who can pick your Tears from your eyes, while You're busy picking grains; You don't even know When someone casts the evil eye Or capture and imprison you, For all your life; You'll forget to tweet and to chant, You're innocent Bird! You dream while eating grains At times to fulfill your dreams When the chilled tears drop on From dreary eyes On the land of your fateful heart; A forest of sadness grow there The trees bear fruit of only grief; But you innocent Bird! You are unaware of it all And will never know ………… pakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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Bank Awards 2018

From the blog smartchoice The financial sector is instrumental in the national development of a country. The role of the institutions contributing to this sector in various forms needs to be not only highlighted but duly acknowledged. The 3rd Pakistan Banking Awards were held on Friday, 8t of November 2018, the highest accolade in Pakistan's banking sector was organized by the Dawn Media Group, Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP) and A. F Ferguson. The awards were given by the chief guest State Bank Deputy Governor Jameel Ahmed, Dawn CEO Hameed Haroon, Dr Ishrat Husain, Shabber Zaidi of A.F. Ferguson and acting chief executive of the Institute of Bankers Pakistan Farooq Shaikh. The awards were given in different categories and for different services, in which the banks have out-performed themselves; thepakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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