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7 Important DrivingTips for Young Drivers

From the blog smartchoice For many teenagers, learning to drive is an important rite of passage. Having that license tucked away in their wallet unlocks the gate toward the gradual freedom and independence that comes with it. But the statistics are sobering: teen drivers have the highest crash risk of any age group. Drivers aged 18-25 represent only 10-15 per cent of all licensed drivers but are involved in one out of four road deaths. For example, an 18-year-old with a license is four times more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than a 26-year-old. As a parent, guardian, elder of the family you can play an active and crucial role in your teenager's driving lessons. Here are seven road safety tips to share with your teen to encourage them to be better, safer drivers. 1. Wear Your Safety Belt [imagpakistanblogs.blogspot.comOpen Full Post

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